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sample |
Add search to a Python app |
Add document search to a web app. This Python sample uses the Azure.Search.Documents library to create, load, and query the index.
python-sample-search-web-app |
This Python sample shows you how to add document search to a web app using Azure Cognitive Search.
For this sample, you will use the azure-search-documents library in the Azure SDK for Python to create, load, and query a search index containing the goodbooks-10k dataset, publicly available at The search index runs on an Azure Cognitive Search service that you create. You can use the free tier for this sample.
Optionally, this sample includes a devcontainer.json file so that you can run the code locally, as a developer, with the assurance that the environment is correctly configured and your local system doesn't need anything beyond docker. You'll need the Docker extension to do this. If you don't want to us Docker, you can run your code in a virtual environment instead.
The application itself is deployed as an Azure Static web app (which you can run locally), using the JavaScript React library to build the user interface and Azure Functions to handle the query requests against the search index.
This README is an shortened version of the full Python tutorial.
Related resources:
New to Python in Visual Studio Code? See Getting Started with Python in Visual Studio Code
Below is a screenshot of the app created through this sample code.
You can deploy the sample onto Azure or run it locally by following the steps below.
- Python 3.7 or later
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Code extension: Python
- Visual Studio Code extension: Azure Functions
- Visual Studio Code extension: Azure Static Web Apps
- Azure Cognitive Search
Visual Studio Code extension: Docker is optional, but necessary if you want to run the Python code in a container.
Azure Static Web Apps is also required but you do not need to have this resource in advance. These instructions include inline steps for creating and configuring a static web app in a later section.
Clone (or Fork and Clone) this repository.
in Visual Studio Code.
This sample code runs the Azure Function API remotely on your cloned repository. If you intend to run it locally, you need to install azure-functions-core-tools globally with the following bash command: npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@3 --unsafe-perm true
In Visual Studio Code, create a virtual environment.
Ctrl+Shift+P > Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal
At the PS terminal command line, run these commands:
py -3 -m venv .venv
You should see
in the PS command prompt. For example,(.venv) PS C:\Users\user-name\azure-search-python-samples\search-website>
Run to load data.
Change the following values in the
file:- Search service name (short name)
- Admin API key (find the key in the portal)
Install Python libraries and load the data. At the PS command line:
cd \bulk-upload
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You should see status messages when the script runs, and you should have a good-books index created on your search service.
Deploy the search-enabled website as an Azure Static web app. This deployment includes both the React app and the Function app for the user interface and business layer, respectively.
The following instructions create and configure the Azure Static Web App resource.
Select Azure from the Activity Bar, then select Static Web Apps from the Side bar.
Right-click on the subscription name then select Create Static Web App (Advanced).
Follow the prompts to provide the following information:
Prompt Enter How do you want to create a Static Web App? Use existing GitHub repository Choose organization Select your own GitHub alias as the organization. Choose repository Select azure-search-python-samples from the list. Choose branch of repository Select main from the list. Enter the name for the new Static Web App. Create a unique name for your resource. For example, you can prepend your name to the repository name such as, joansmith-azure-search-python-samples
.Select a resource group for new resources. Use the resource group you created for this tutorial. Choose build preset to configure default project structure. Select Custom Select the location of your application code search-website/client
Enter the path of your build output... build Select a location for new resources. Select a region close to you. -
The resource is created, select Open Actions in GitHub from the Notifications. This opens a browser window pointed to your forked repo.
The list of actions indicates your web app, both client and functions, were successfully pushed to your Azure Static Web App.
Wait until the build and deployment complete before continuing. This may take a minute or two to finish.
Select Azure from the Activity Bar.
Right-click on your Static web app resource then select Open in Portal.
Select Configuration then select + Add.
Add each of the following settings:
Setting Your Search resource value SearchApiKey Your Search query key. You can find query keys in the Azure portal SearchServiceName Your Search resource name SearchIndexName good-books
SearchFacets authors*,language_code
For the
facet, adding a*
after a field name denotes that the field is of typeCollection(Edm.String)
. This allows the Azure Function to add filters correctly to queries. -
Select Save to save the settings.
Return to Visual Studio Code.
Refresh your Static web app to see the Static web app's application settings.
In Visual Studio Code, select Azure from the Activity Bar.
In the Side bar, right-click on your Azure subscription under the
Static web apps
area and find the Static web app you created. -
Right-click the Static Web App name and select Browse site.
Select Open in the pop-up dialog.
In the website search bar, enter a search query such as
, slowly so the suggest feature suggests book titles. Select a suggestion or continue entering your own query. Press enter when you've completed your search query. -
Review the results then select one of the books to see more details.
If you no longer need Azure Cognitive Search or Azure Static Web Apps, remember to delete both resources in your subscription.