A framework for the unsupervised inference of system specifications that characterize the spatial relationships under which robots operate.
SpRInG requires Python3 (version 3.7-3.10) and has been tested on Linux and MacOS. First, run the following commands to clone the SpRInG repository and install its requirements:
git clone https://github.com/morse165/SpRInG.git
cd SpRInG
The only input required by the user is an inputted trace, however we highly recommend the use of the other available parameters.
usage: main.py [-h] [--trace TRACE] [--patterns PATTERNS] [--withhold_gen_patterns] [--ndefs DEFINITIONS]
[--athresh ATHRESH] [--acthresh ACTHRESH] [--classonly] [--tautmodel TAUTMODEL]
[--start START] [--end END]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--trace TRACE Path to trace file (.json).
--patterns PATTERNS Path to patterns file (.json).
Do not generate patterns
--ndefs DEFINITIONS Path to entity neighbor definitions file (.json).
--athresh ATHRESH Absence threshold.
--acthresh ACTHRESH Consecutive absence threshold.
--classonly Specify that the neighbor definitions are defined by CLASS (default is by NAME)
--tautmodel TAUTMODEL
Load a tautological model.
--start START First desired observation.
--end END Last desired observation.
The inputted trace is a JSON file that is structured as a sequence of observations. The key for each observation must be labeled as “T[n]”, where [n] ranges from [0..total_observations]. Each observation contains system state variables (“State”) and entity variables (“Entities”). The entities are labeled as “Entity[m]”, where [m] ranges from [0…total_entities]. Each entity will hold variable-value pairs regarding its current state. It is required for each entity to have a name (“name”) and class (“class”). Unless otherwise defined by the neighbor definitions file, each entity must also have “pos_x” and “pos_y” variables to satisfy the default neighbor definitions.
An example is provided below:
"T0": {
"State": {},
"Entities": {
"Entity0": {
"name": “car1”,
"class": “vehicle”,
“vel_z”: 2.1
“pos_x”: 43.2
“pos_y”: 33.0
"Entity1”: {
"name": “car2”,
"class": “vehicle”,
“vel_z”: 2.4
“pos_x”: 86.3
“pos_y”: 26.6
"Entity2": {
"name": “person1”,
"class": “pedestrian”,
“vel_z”: 0.6
“pos_x”: 23.1
“pos_y”: 14.1
"T1": {
The goal of the relation patterns is to provide the basic structure of spatial relations. When complete, they contain tokens (e.g. CONST, NODE1, NODE2) that are later filled during the inference step. The user may elect to provide their own patterns (via a JSON file), have them automatically generated, or a hybrid of the two. Note that patterns are generated by default. Since available information may differ between entities, each entity is entity assigned its own set of patterns. The patterns file must have the following structure:
Each entity contains a hashtable of templates: The key for each entry is of the form ‘TPL_[n]’, where [n] ranges from [0..num_templates]. Each entry contains a dictionary with the following keys:
- Type (“rh_const”, “two_nodes”, “forall”, or “exists”)
- Left Term (“l_term”)
- Operator (“op”)
- Right Term (“r_term”)
An example is provided below:
“car1”: {
“l_term”: “graph.nodes[‘NODE1’][‘vel_z’]”
“r_term”: “CONST”
“l_term”: “nutils.getNeighbors(graph, 'NODE1’)”
“r_term”: “nutils.getNeighbors(graph, 'NODE2’)”
These templates, whether they are provided by the user or generated, must provide the structure for relations that are consistent with the following grammar:
A neighbor definitions file (.json) may be provided by the user, but are otherwise generated by default. For best results, is highly recommended that the user provides the system with their own neighbor definitions. These definitions may be defined for each individual entity (default) or by class (with the flag “—classonly”). Each entity name or class will contain a set of neighbor definitions (e.g. AboveNeighbor and BelowNeighbor). The file also includes variable definitions ("var_defs"), which are used to relate nodes when first constructing the spatial models. This also requires the variables ("vars") that are required to relate such nodes.
An example is provided below:
"robot_manipulator": {
"AboveNeighbor": "(rel_dist < 0.055) and (rel_z < 0)",
"BelowNeighbor": "(rel_dist < 0.055) and (rel_z > 0)"
"tissue": {
"AboveNeighbor": "(rel_dist < 0.055)"
"var_defs": {
"rel_dist": "math.sqrt((NODE1['pos_x'] - NODE2['pos_x'])**2 + (NODE1['pos_x'] - NODE2['pos_x'])**2 + (NODE1['pos_x'] - NODE2['pos_x'])**2)",
"rel_z": "NODE1['pos_z'] - NODE2['pos_z']"
"vars": ["pos_x", "pos_y", "pos_z"]
If the user elects to filter relations based on neighborship distinctions, then they may provide a tautological model for filtering. This model is a JSON file that holds lattice ancestor/descendent relationships for each neighborship distinction. An example is provided below:
"lattice": {
"LeftNeighbor":["Neighbors", "Neighborhood", "LeftNeighborhood"],
"RightNeighbor":["Neighbors", "Neighborhood", "RightNeighborhood"],
"FrontNeighbor":["Neighbors", "Neighborhood", "FrontNeighborhood"],
"BackNeighbor":["Neighbors", "Neighborhood", "BackNeighborhood"]
Prior to reporting, the single entity-level predicates and generalized relations are filtered by means of a tautological model and through logical subsumption. The tautological model of an entity is of the form of a lattice that outlines which classifications of neighborship are contained within one another through \emph{ancestor/descendant relationships}. By default, this model would inform the engine that
If the user provides complex distinctions between sets of neighbors, it is beneficial for the user to provide the filter with extra context to remove relations that would not be caught by standard logical subsumption. For example, in the traffic scenario, if the user makes the distinction between Leader, Follower, Left, and Right neighbors within All neighbors, then the implication that
For implications of the pattern
In the traffic scenario, the relation
The users may set the parameters —athresh and —acthresh to define the proportion of total absences and consecutive absences, consecutively, that are allowed before future absences are counted as failures. The user may also select the start and end observations with the --start and --end flags, respectively.
This work was funded in part by NSF Awards #1924777 and AFOSR #FA9550-21-1-0164