HiBoP is an application dedicated to the visualization of intracranial brain recordings such as intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), cortico-cortical evoked potentials (CCEP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This software is developped using Unity, C# and C++ for Windows, Mac and Linux.
These instructions will allow you to run HiBoP on your computer. Once it is running, you can take a look at the tutorial.
Unzip the zip file and execute HiBoP.exe.
Unzip the zip file to a target directory. Then, you need to give execution rights to the executable, and execute HiBoP.x86_64.
chmod +x ./HiBoP.x86_64
Unzip the zip file and execute HiBoP.
- Brain mesh (required): Either one file for the whole brain or one file per hemisphere in GIFTI format (.gii)
- Mars Atlas (optional): Either one file for the whole brain or one file per hemisphere in GIFTI format (.gii)
- Transformation (optional): One file specifying the transformation matrix to be applied so the mesh is in the same referential as the anatomical MRI (.trm)
- MRI (required): One file in NIFTI-1 format (.nii, .nii.gz or .hdr/.img)
- Electrodes positions (required): One file describing the electrodes positions either in IntrAnat format (.pts) or BIDS electrodes format (.tsv)
- Electrodes additions information (optional): One file giving information about the electrodes (.csv)
- Data files (required): Supported formats are BrainVision (.vhdr/.vmrk/.eeg), ELAN (.eeg.ent/.eeg), Micromed (.TRC) and EDF (.edf)
- Data files (required): One file in NIFTI-1 format (.nii, .nii.gz or .hdr/.img)
This work is licensed under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2).