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c bindings for lib-ruby-parser

All structs, enums and functions are prefixed with LIB_RUBY_PARSER_. API mostly mirrors Rust version.


Pre-compiled library and header file are available on Releases, supported platforms:

  • x86_64-apple-darwin
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  • x86_64-pc-windows-gnu


char *input = "2 + 2";
LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ByteList input = LIB_RUBY_PARSER_new_bytes_from_cstr(

LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ParserOptions options = {
    .buffer_name = LIB_RUBY_PARSER_new_string_from_cstr("(eval)"),
    .decoder = {.decoder = {.f = NULL}},
    .record_tokens = false,
    .token_rewriter = {.token_rewriter = {.f = NULL}}};

LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ParserResult result = LIB_RUBY_PARSER_parse(input, options);

Parser input:

  • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ByteList input - source code you want to parse
  • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ParserOptions options - options of parsing:
    • buffer_name - name of your source code
    • decoder - decoder that is used if there's a magic comment with non-UTF-8 encoding
    • record_token specifies whether tokens should be recorded during parsing
    • token_rewriter - token rewriter, optional, called for each token after lexing but before shifting.

Parser output:

  • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ParserResult result - all data that parser can output:
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Node *ast - pointer to AST where
      • node is represented as LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Node that is a tagged union with tag and as fields
      • every node type is represented by its own struct like LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Class
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_TokenList tokens - a list of tokens (ptr + len) where
      • token is represented as LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Token with
        • int32_t token_type - type of the token (e.g. LIB_RUBY_PARSER_tDEF)
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Bytes token_value - value of the token
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Loc loc - location of the token
        • int32_t lex_state_before - state before token was lex-ed (useless unless you have a custom token rewriter)
        • int32_t lex_state_after - state after token was lex-ed (useless unless you have a custom token rewriter)
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_DiagnosticList diagnostics - a list of diagnostics (ptr + len) where
      • diagnostic is represented as LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Diagnostic with fields
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ErrorLevel level - level of the diagnostic (error or warning)
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_DiagnosticMessage message - message that is a tagged union with tag and as fields, every message type is represented by its own struct like LIB_RUBY_PARSER_UnterminatedList
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Loc loc - location of the diagnostic
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_CommentList comments - a list of comments (ptr + len) where
      • comment is represented as LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Comment with fields
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Loc location - location of the comment
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_CommentType kind - kind of the comment (inline/document/unknown)
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_MagicCommentList magic_comments - a list of magic comments (ptr + len) where
      • magic comment is represented as LIB_RUBY_PARSER_MagicComment with fields
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_MagicCommentKind kind
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Loc key_l
        • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_Loc value_l
    • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_DecodedInput input - decoded input, is different from initial input if it has encoding different from utf-8, with fields:
      • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_String name - initial name of the source code
      • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_SourceLineList lines - parsed source lines
      • LIB_RUBY_PARSER_ByteList bytes - (maybe re-encoded) initial input


  • Clone the repo
  • Set environment variables:
    • TARGET (e.g. export TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin, no default value)
    • CC (e.g. gcc)
    • BUILD_ENV (debug or release, debug is the default value)
  • run make tests/run to run tests
  • run make libruby_parser_c.a (or make libruby_parser_c.lib for MSVC) to get a static library
  • run make lib-ruby-parser.h to get a header file


  • Each directory has its own file that is included my the main Makefile
  • Rust parser with basic C bindings is located under ruby-parser-c.
  • Actual C bindings are located in *.{h, c} files in the root directory
  • scripts directory contains per-triplet additional configurations for make
  • codegen directory is a Rust micro-library that does code generation
  • benchmark directory contains a set of scripts to compare performance of Rust vs C vs Ripper