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blaupause is a hugo starter kit based on npm scripts, webpack and postcss. It helps with setting up a modern web development stack and adds offline support via a service worker.

In the box

  • hugo with a layout boilerplate
  • build process managed via npm scripts
  • Development Mode: sourcemaps, browserSync live-reloading environment and debugging helpers
  • Production Mode: optimized builds, offline support via a service worker




  • Automatic svg sprites via svg-sprite
  • Hugo partial to embed svg sprite

Dev Tools


This project depends on NodeJS being installed on your machine. If the Hugo binary is not yet available on your $PATH, it will be installed during npm install.

To initiate a new site, run:

  1. git clone project
  2. cd project
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Tasks & Task Configuration

Tasks are managed via nps and live in package-scripts.js. The following tasks are exposed in package.json:

npm start

Compiles all assets and starts a development server. Whenever you change a source file, the BrowserSync instance will reload your connected browsers with the changes. Sourcemaps are enabled.

npm run start:staging

Same as npm:start, but with production-ready assets. No sourcemaps, resources are optimized and gzipped.

npm run build

Builds all content and assets from src to public. Generates a production-ready build:

  • The production baseUrl is applied by hugo
  • Draft entries are not included
  • Source maps are omitted
  • JS & CSS is minified, NODE_ENV=production is passed to the javascript build
  • A service worker is added to the build
  • Debug console statement called with utils/debug are stripped

npm run build:clean

Removes the public-folder (executed automatically when running npm run build or npm start).

npm run lint

Runs eslint & stylelint against your code.

npm run test

Runs jest unit tests

Hugo Partials


Reference a SVG-symbol from /static/svg/sprite.symbol.svg by ID. The SVG build task will look for .svg-files in src/img and sub-directories. Usage:

  <div class="icon">{{ partial "media/svg" (dict "id" "the-icon" "class" "optional-class") }}</div>

Offline Support

The service worker in src provides basic offline capabilities and follows a networkFirst strategy for static files and a cacheFirst strategy for google fonts and images. This means that visitors will always see the latest content and styles when a network connection is available. After the first visit, webfonts and images will be served from the cache and visited pages will work offline. The last cached version of the page will be served in the event that a user has no network connection. If you do not have dynamic content and changing static files, consider configuring workbox to use precaching. That way, your whole page will work offline once a single URL is visited.

Deploying to Netlify

Netlify is the easiest deploy option for blaupause. To get started, you have to:

Now Netlify will build and deploy your site whenever you push to git.

You can also click this button:

Deploy to Netlify

It is also possible to roll your own deploy with CircleCI and AWS as an alternative.

Adding Netlify CMS

To add Netlify CMS, add the following files to the repo and configure according to the netlify-cms docs.


<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>Content Manager</title>

  <!-- Include the styles for the Netlify CMS UI, after your own styles -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="^0.7.0/dist/cms.css" />

  <!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Netlify CMS -->
  <script src="^0.7.0/dist/cms.js"></script>


  name: github # git-gateway if using Netlify Identity integration
  repo:  fspoettel/blaupause
  branch: master
  base_url: # See or remove if using Netlify Identity
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
media_folder: "hugo/static/assets"
public_folder: "/assets"
collections: # See netlify-cms docs


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