This project was part of a seminar during my Master studies in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in 2018. It's a small python project to classify an unknown amount of components in e.g. a CT scan.
The whole project is largely based on a case-study by Clare Anne McGrory documented in her PhD Thesis "Variational Approximations in Bayesian Model Selection".
As an example the CT scan of a pork carcase is analysed in order to classify different tissues.
See also the original case study in chapter 23 in the book Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Anaylis
Timelaps of approximation (k
being the number of components still in the race):
Final approximation (starting with k=20 components) with k=6 components:
Among other things we can visualize the probability that a pixel in the original scan belongs to one of the 6 components.
The first component (sharp peak to the left in the histogram above) specifies the background.
Another component coincides with fat tissue:
Two components can be identified as muscle tissue:
Another one as bone:
Install dependencies including the dev dependencies:
pip install -e .[dev]
Scripts in src/demo can be executed within that folder after installing the package as above
If you just want to use the model for your own approximations without checking out the source code, install via
pip install git+
For a more detailed description see the complementary presentation.
The project approximates the posterior of a multivariate gaussian bayesian hierarchical model.
It assumes that a dataset
Full model boils down to the following system of parameters:
The following priors are used in the hierarchical model:
$\mu$ : Normal distributed with mean$m$ and variance$\beta^{-1}\sigma^2$ -
$\sigma^2$ : Inverse gamma distributed with shape$0.5 \gamma$ and scale$0.5 \delta$ -
$\lambda$ : Dirichlet distributed with concentration parameters$\alpha$