A firestore based util for batching our payments, and praying for infura/ethereum network to handle them.
├── config
│ ├── accounts.js # eth accounts for payment
│ ├── config.js # config file
│ └── serviceAccountKey.json # firestore crendentials
├── constant # constant
│ └── likecoin.js # LikeCoin contract for abi calls
├── util # helper functions
│ ├── firebase.js # firebase/firestore singleton/util
│ ├── gcloudPub.js # optional gcloud pubsub log
│ ├── logger.js # firestore tx logger for likecoin-tx-poll usage
│ ├── poller.js # firestore watcher for gas price update
│ └── web3.js # web3/tx related functions
└── index.js # main entry
# Remeber to setup accounts.js config.js and serviceAccountKey.json first!
# install dependencies
npm install
# run the program
npm start