Neovim plugin that counts your keypresses and saves statistics to Code::Stats, a free stats tracking service for programmers.
This is port of the official plugin written in Lua. It don't use pythonx interface (it is not a remote-plugin), instead it spawns curl process as luv asynchronous job and therefore it loads faster and don't interfere with interface rendering.
- Neovim
- Curl
- plenary.nvim
Get a Code::Stats account and copy your API key from the Code::Stats machine page.
Install and configure code-stats-nvim
-- Lazy.nvim
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
event = { 'TextChanged', 'InsertEnter' },
cmd = { 'CodeStatsXpSend', 'CodeStatsProfileUpdate' },
config = function()
require('codestats').setup {
username = '<your user name>', -- needed to fetch profile data
base_url = '', -- base url
api_key = '<your API key>',
send_on_exit = true, -- send xp on nvim exit
send_on_timer = true, -- send xp on timer
timer_interval = 60000, -- timer interval in milliseconds (minimum 1000ms to prevent DDoSing servers)
curl_timeout = 5, -- curl request timeout in seconds
— manually send XP to Code::Stats:CodeStatsProfileUpdate
— manually pull profile data from Code::Stats
— triggers when XP is succesfully sent to Code::StatsCodeStatsProfileUpdated
— triggers when profile data successfully pulled from Code::Stats
local codestats = require 'codestats'
codestats.get_xp() -- get total xp for profile
codestats.get_xp(<buffer id>) -- get xp for language of specified buffer
codestats.get_xp(0) -- get xp for language of current buffer
codestats.get_level() -- get level for profile
codestats.get_level(<buffer id>) -- get level for language of specified buffer
codestats.get_level(0) -- get level for language of current buffer
-- utils
codestats.calculate_level(<xp>) -- calculate level for given XP value
codestats.filetype_to_language(<ft>) -- map language for given filetype
vim.opt.statusline:append [[%{luaeval("require'codestats'.get_xp()")}]] -- total xp
vim.opt.statusline:append [[%{luaeval("require'codestats'.get_xp(0)")}]] -- current buf language xp
vim.opt.statusline:append [[%{luaeval("require'codestats'.get_level()")}]] -- total level
vim.opt.statusline:append [[%{luaeval("require'codestats'.get_level(0)")}]] -- current buf language level
local xp = function()
return codestats.get_xp(0) -- current buf language xp
require('lualine').setup {
sections = {
lualine_x = {
fmt = function(s)
return s and (s ~= '0' or nil) and s .. 'xp'