printJob is a MS Windows supported software for printing from any PC to any PC across network and internet. It is possible as a result of queeing print job on from first PC , and periodically fetching and printing queued printing jobs from second PC.
- Python 3.6 - high-level programming language for general-purpose programming... but I do not think that this language needs any introduction.
- tkinker - Graphical interface for Python based on Tk GUI.
- os - module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.
- base64 - RFC 3548 based binary data encoding/decoding module.
- uuid - RFC 4122 based UUID creating module.
- MySQLdb - MySQL API for Python.
- schedule - In-process job schedulling module.
- pythoncom - Module for working with COM based interfaces.
- threading - high level threading interface.
- time - various functions for operations with time.
- pywin32 - Windows Extensions for Python.
- pyinstaller -Program that freezes (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX.
- PDF və Word document print
- Print over internet and network
- Execute printJOB Executor.exe and select target PC, then browse file to print. After that filename,target PC name,print status,print job creation timestamp and file itself are placed in MySQL DB.
- At the same time, executed "prinJOB Client.exe" will periodically (2 min by default) querry DB for jobs on computer runned on and updates branch_list.last_active column, and if there is some job, prints it on default printer.
- Executed "printJOB Server.exe" with 2 minute period disables PC's what was inactive for more than 5 minutes (branch_list.last_active and "branch_list.a_status").
- image print - by now only ".PDF"/".DOC"/".DOCX" files are supported to print, "JPG/JPEG/BMP/PNG" format files are in planed functionality.
- workstation verification - client workstation extended verification.
- --noconsole - to hide console at executable execution
- --onefile - to pack executable in one file
Existing filed and descriptions are as below:
Main folder:
- - Client for printing and pooling jobs.
- - Configuration file.
- - CLient for creating print jobs.
- - Server side executable for schedulled jobs execution.
- - File with essential functions
- createDB_structure.sql - DB Structure.
Want to contribute? That is great! Please Fork and Pull to main branch.
- Author appreciates any size of contribution.
- Have some Issues or thoughts to share? You can share it via opening Issue or sending an email that is mentioned in the end of page to author.
Project is distributed with MIT licence.
That mean that:
- This software and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes
- This software may be modified
- This software may be distributed
- This software may be used and modified in private
- This licence includes a limitation of liability
- This licence explicitly states that it DOES NOT provide any warranty
- A copy of the licence and copyright notice must be included with the software.
You can contact with author through [email protected] mail. Additionaly I am adding links to social network accounts and blog.