high-performance, non-blocking network IO Redis frameworks for Go, based on epoll gnet network model
go get -u github.com/leslie-fei/gredis
Here's a full example of a Redis clone that accepts:
- SET key value
- GET key
- DEL key
$ redis-server --port 6379 --appendonly no
[root@localhost ~]# redis-benchmark -h -p 6379 -t set,get -n 10000000 -q -P 512 -c 512
SET: 987166.81 requests per second
GET: 1220405.12 requests per second
GOMAXPROCS=1 go run example/main.go
[root@localhost ~]# redis-benchmark -h -p 6380 -t set,get -n 10000000 -q -P 512 -c 512
SET: 1199328.38 requests per second
GET: 1218769.00 requests per second
GOMAXPROCS=0 go run example/main.go
[root@localhost ~]# redis-benchmark -h -p 6380 -t set,get -n 10000000 -q -P 512 -c 512
SET: 2018978.38 requests per second
GET: 5611672.50 requests per second
$ GOMAXPROCS=1 go run example/clone.go
[root@localhost ~]# redis-benchmark -h -p 6380 -t set,get -n 10000000 -q -P 512 -c 512
SET: 1331557.88 requests per second
GET: 1638538.38 requests per second
$ GOMAXPROCS=0 go run example/clone.go
[root@localhost ~]# redis-benchmark -h -p 6380 -t set,get -n 10000000 -q -P 512 -c 512
SET: 1685772.00 requests per second
GET: 5246589.50 requests per second