aliyun-jclouds adapt for jclouds to use cloud service of aliyun
Provider | Service | Remark |
aliyun-ecs | ComputeService | Removed in this repo |
aliyun-oss | BlobStore | |
aliyun-slb | LoadBalancerService | Removed in this repo |
For aliyun-ecs/slb, refer to original repo.
Offical documents link Apache-jclouds
BlobStore blobStore;
String provider = "aliyun-oss";
String key = "Your AccessKey";
String secret = "Your AccessKeySecret";
BlobStoreContext context = ContextBuilder
.credentials(key, secret)
blobStore = context.getBlobStore();
mvn package -DskipTests
Providers use Google Auto to generate services
It is important to do like this
mvn clean compile
Then you will find an folder named services from target\classes\META-INF in each modules
If you do not do the operation, an error will happends.
key [aliyun-oss] not in the list of providers or apis
Change the accessKey and secret witch generate by your own account of Aliyun in each test classes before test
private static final String key = "xxx";
private static final String secret = "yyy";
Then run command
mvn test
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0