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A Neovim fuzzy finder that updates on every keystroke.


Search require("fzfx with rg's -g *spec.lua -F option.

πŸ“– Table of contents

✨ Features

  • Colors/icons, Windows and modern Neovim features support.
  • Updates on every keystroke of user query and selection.
  • Multiple variants to avoid manual input:
    • Search by visual select.
    • Search by cursor word.
    • Search by yank text.
    • Search by resume last search.
  • Multiple data sources to avoid restart search flow:
    • Exclude or include hiddens/ignores when searching files.
    • Local or remote when searching git branches.
    • Whole workspace or current buffer only when searching diagnostics.
    • ...
  • And a lot more.

Please see Demo for more use cases.

βœ… Requirements


This plugin keeps up with the latest Neovim stable version, supports until the last legacy version, while earlier versions are dropped to reduce maintenance effort.

For example, at the time of writing (2024-06-11), stable is 0.10, last legacy is 0.9, nightly is 0.11, thus this plugin supports 0.9+.

  • Neovim β‰₯ 0.9.
  • fzf.
  • curl (for query fzf status or update preview label).
  • nerd-fonts (optional for icons).
  • rg (optional for live grep, by default use grep).
  • fd (optional for find files, by default use find).
  • bat (optional for preview files, by default use cat).
  • git (mandatory for all git commands).
  • delta (optional for preview git diff, show, blame).
  • lsd/eza (optional for file explorer, by default use ls).


Besides those rust-written commands mentioned above (rg/fd/bat), Windows users will have to install the linux shell environment and core utils, since basic shell commands such as echo, mkdir are internally required.

Click here to see how to install linux commands

There're many ways to install portable linux shell and core utils on Windows, personally I would recommend below two methods:

Install with the below 3 options:

  • In Select Components, select Associate .sh files to be run with Bash.

  • In Adjusting your PATH environment, select Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Command Prompt.

  • In Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash, select Use Windows's default console window.


After this step, git.exe and builtin linux commands(such as echo.exe, ls.exe, curl.exe) will be available in %PATH%.

Run below powershell commands:

# scoop
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
irm | iex

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install git           # git, bash, sh
scoop install mingw         # echo, grep, find, curl, ls, cat
scoop install coreutils     # echo, grep, find, curl, ls, cat

Fix conflicts between embedded commands from C:\Windows\System32 and linux commands

Windows actually already provide some builtin commands (find.exe, bash.exe) in C:\Windows\System32 (or %SystemRoot%\system32), but they are not the linux commands they are named after, while could override above installations. To fix it, we need to prioritize (move up) the git or scoop environment variables in %PATH%.


πŸ“¦ Install


You can specify the plugin version/tag (i.e. v5.*) to avoid break changes between major versions!

With lazy.nvim
  -- optional for icons
  { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },

  -- optional for the 'fzf' command
    build = function()

    dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", 'junegunn/fzf' },

    -- specify version to avoid break changes
    -- version = 'v5.*',

    config = function()
With packer.nvim
return require("packer").startup(function(use)
  -- optional for icons
  use({ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" })

  -- optional for the 'fzf' command
    run = function()


    -- specify version to avoid break changes
    -- version = 'v5.0.0',

    config = function()
With vim-plug
call plug#begin()

" optional for icons
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'

" optional for the 'fzf' command
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }

" specify version to avoid break changes
Plug 'linrongbin16/fzfx.nvim' ", { 'tag': 'v5.0.0' }

call plug#end()

lua require('fzfx').setup()

πŸš€ Usage

There're multiple commands provided, named with prefix Fzfx. The sub commands indicates the user query's input method, (i.e. the variants) named with below conventions:

  • Basic variant is named with args, accepts the following arguments as query content.
  • Visual select variant is named with visual, uses visual selection as query content.
  • Cursor word variant is named with cword, uses the word text under cursor as query content.
  • Put (i.e. yank text) variant is named with put (just like press the p key), uses the yank text as query content.
  • Resume last search variant is named with resume, uses the last search content as query content.


The args sub command can be omitted, for example :FzfxFiles<CR> is equivalent to :FzfxFiles args<CR>.

To specify query text, for example asdf, you will have to type :FzfxFiles args asdf<CR>.

Below keys are binded by default:

  • Exit keys (fzf --expect option)
    • esc: quit.
    • double-click/enter: open/jump to file (behave different on some specific commands).
  • Preview keys
    • alt-p: toggle preview.
    • ctrl-f: preview half page down.
    • ctrl-b: preview half page up.
  • Select keys
    • ctrl-e: toggle select.
    • ctrl-a: toggle select all.

Files & Buffers

Name Details
Find files.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Unrestricted variant is named with unres_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(unres_)args N Yes Yes
(unres_)visual V
(unres_)cword N
(unres_)put N
(unres_)resume N
Find buffers.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
visual V
cword N
put N
resume N
Find git files.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Current directory (only) variant is named with cwd_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(cwd_)args N Yes Yes
(cwd_)visual V
(cwd_)cword N
(cwd_)put N
(cwd_)resume N


Name Details
Live grep.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Use -- flag to pass raw options to search command (rg/grep).
  3. Unrestricted variant is named with unres_ suffix.
  4. Current buffer (only) variant is named with buf_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(unres_/buf_)args N Yes Yes
(unres_/buf_)visual V
(unres_/buf_)cword N
(unres_/buf_)put N
(unres_/buf_)resume N
Live grep only on current buffer.
  1. This command has the same functionality with FzfxLiveGrep currently buffer variant (buf_), while the file name is removed for better user view.
  2. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  3. Use -- flag to pass raw options to search command (rg/grep).
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
visual V
cword N
put N
resume N
Live grep with git grep.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Use -- flag to pass raw options to search command (git grep).
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
visual V
cword N
put N
resume N


Name Details
Search git status (changed files).
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Current directory (only) variant is named with cwd_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(cwd_)args N Yes Yes
(cwd_)visual V
(cwd_)cword N
(cwd_)put N
(cwd_)resume N
Search git branches.
  1. Use enter to checkout branch.
  2. Remote branch variant is named with remote_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(remote_)args N No Yes
(remote_)visual V
(remote_)cword N
(remote_)put N
(remote_)resume N
Search git commits.
  1. Use enter to copy git commit SHA.
  2. Current buffer variant is named with buf_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(buf_)args N No Yes
(buf_)visual V
(buf_)cword N
(buf_)put N
(buf_)resume N
Search git blame.
  1. Use enter to copy git commit SHA.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N No Yes
visual V
cword N
put N
resume N

Lsp & Diagnostics

Name Details
Search definitions.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to definitions.
  2. Use protocol textDocument/definition.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search type definitions.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to type definitions.
  2. Use protocol textDocument/typeDefinition.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search implementations.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to implementations.
  2. Use protocol textDocument/implementation.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search references.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to references.
  2. Use protocol textDocument/references.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search incoming calls.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to incoming calls.
  2. Use protocol callHierarchy/incomingCalls.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search outgoing calls.
  1. The args variant always use cursor word as query content (not command arguments), because the scenario is navigating symbols, i.e. go to outgoing calls.
  2. Use protocol callHierarchy/outgoingCalls.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N Yes Yes
Search diagnostics.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
  2. Current buffer (only) variant is named with buf_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(buf_)args N Yes Yes
(buf_)visual V
(buf_)cword N
(buf_)put N
(buf_)resume N


Name Details
Search vim commands.
  1. Use enter to input command.
  2. Ex (builtin) commands variant is named with ex_ suffix.
  3. User commands variant is named with user_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(ex_/user_)args N No Yes
(ex_/user_)visual V
(ex_/user_)cword N
(ex_/user_)put N
(ex_/user_)resume N
Search vim key mappings.
  1. Use enter to execute key mapping.
  2. Normal mode variant is named with n_mode_ suffix.
  3. Insert mode variant is named with i_mode_ suffix.
  4. Visual/select mode variant is named with v_mode_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(n_mode_/i_mode_/v_mode_)args N No Yes
(n_mode_/i_mode_/v_mode_)visual V
(n_mode_/i_mode_/v_mode_)cword N
(n_mode_/i_mode_/v_mode_)put N
(n_mode_/i_mode_/v_mode_)resume N
Search vim marks.
  1. Use ctrl-q to send selected lines to quickfix window and quit.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
args N No Yes
visual V
cword N
put N
resume N


Name Details
Navigate around file explorer.
  1. Include hidden variant is named with hidden_ suffix.
Variant Mode Select Keys Preview Keys
(hidden_)args N Yes Yes
(hidden_)visual V
(hidden_)cword N
(hidden_)put N
(hidden_)resume N

πŸ“Œ Recommended Key Mappings

Click here to see vim scripts
" ======== files ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>f :\<C-U>FzfxFiles<CR>
" by visual select
xnoremap <space>f :\<C-U>FzfxFiles visual<CR>
" by cursor word
nnoremap <space>wf :\<C-U>FzfxFiles cword<CR>
" by yank text
nnoremap <space>pf :\<C-U>FzfxFiles put<CR>
" by resume
nnoremap <space>rf :\<C-U>FzfxFiles resume<CR>

" ======== live grep ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>l :\<C-U>FzfxLiveGrep<CR>
" by visual select
xnoremap <space>l :\<C-U>FzfxLiveGrep visual<CR>
" by cursor word
nnoremap <space>wl :\<C-U>FzfxLiveGrep cword<CR>
" by yank text
nnoremap <space>pl :\<C-U>FzfxLiveGrep put<CR>
" by resume
nnoremap <space>rl :\<C-U>FzfxLiveGrep resume<CR>

" ======== buffers ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>bf :\<C-U>FzfxBuffers<CR>

" ======== git files ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>gf :\<C-U>FzfxGFiles<CR>

" ======== git live grep ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>gl :\<C-U>FzfxGLiveGrep<CR>
" by visual select
xnoremap <space>gl :\<C-U>FzfxGLiveGrep visual<CR>
" by cursor word
nnoremap <space>wgl :\<C-U>FzfxGLiveGrep cword<CR>
" by yank text
nnoremap <space>pgl :\<C-U>FzfxGLiveGrep put<CR>
" by resume
nnoremap <space>rgl :\<C-U>FzfxGLiveGrep resume<CR>

" ======== git changed files (status) ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>gs :\<C-U>FzfxGStatus<CR>

" ======== git branches ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>br :\<C-U>FzfxGBranches<CR>

" ======== git commits ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>gc :\<C-U>FzfxGCommits<CR>

" ======== git blame ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>gb :\<C-U>FzfxGBlame<CR>

" ======== lsp diagnostics ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>dg :\<C-U>FzfxLspDiagnostics<CR>

" ======== lsp locations ========

" lsp definitions
nnoremap gd :\<C-U>FzfxLspDefinitions<CR>

" lsp type definitions
nnoremap gt :\<C-U>FzfxLspTypeDefinitions<CR>

" lsp references
nnoremap gr :\<C-U>FzfxLspReferences<CR>

" lsp implementations
nnoremap gi :\<C-U>FzfxLspImplementations<CR>

" lsp incoming calls
nnoremap gI :\<C-U>FzfxLspIncomingCalls<CR>

" lsp outgoing calls
nnoremap gO :\<C-U>FzfxLspOutgoingCalls<CR>

" ======== vim commands ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>cm :\<C-U>FzfxCommands<CR>

" ======== vim key maps ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>km :\<C-U>FzfxKeyMaps<CR>

" ======== vim marks ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>mk :\<C-U>FzfxMarks<CR>

" ======== file explorer ========

" by args
nnoremap <space>xp :\<C-U>FzfxFileExplorer<CR>
Click here to see lua scripts
-- ======== files ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find files" }
-- by visual select
  "<cmd>FzfxFiles visual<CR>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find files" }
-- by cursor word
  "<cmd>FzfxFiles cword<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find files by cursor word" }
-- by yank text
  "<cmd>FzfxFiles put<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find files by yank text" }
-- by resume
  "<cmd>FzfxFiles resume<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find files by resume last" }

-- ======== live grep ========

-- live grep
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Live grep" }
-- by visual select
  "<cmd>FzfxLiveGrep visual<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Live grep" }
-- by cursor word
  "<cmd>FzfxLiveGrep cword<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Live grep by cursor word" }
-- by yank text
  "<cmd>FzfxLiveGrep put<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Live grep by yank text" }
-- by resume
  "<cmd>FzfxLiveGrep resume<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Live grep by resume last" }

-- ======== buffers ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find buffers" }

-- ======== git files ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find git files" }

-- ======== git live grep ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Git live grep" }
-- by visual select
  "<cmd>FzfxGLiveGrep visual<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Git live grep" }
-- by cursor word
  "<cmd>FzfxGLiveGrep cword<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Git live grep by cursor word" }
-- by yank text
  "<cmd>FzfxGLiveGrep put<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Git live grep by yank text" }
-- by resume
  "<cmd>FzfxGLiveGrep resume<cr>",
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Git live grep by resume last" }

-- ======== git changed files (status) ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Find git changed files (status)" }

-- ======== git branches ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search git branches" }

-- ======== git commits ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search git commits" }

-- ======== git blame ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search git blame" }

-- ======== lsp diagnostics ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search lsp diagnostics" }

-- ======== lsp symbols ========

-- lsp definitions
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp definitions" }

-- lsp type definitions
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp type definitions" }

-- lsp references
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp references" }

-- lsp implementations
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp implementations" }

-- lsp incoming calls
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp incoming calls" }

-- lsp outgoing calls
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Goto lsp outgoing calls" }

-- ======== vim commands ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search vim commands" }

-- ======== vim key maps ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search vim keymaps" }

-- ======== vim marks ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Search vim marks" }

-- ======== file explorer ========

-- by args
  { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "File explorer" }

πŸ”§ Configuration

To configure options, please use:


The opts is an optional lua table that override the default options.

For complete default options, please see config.lua.

For advanced configurations, please check Advanced Configuration.

Feature Flags

To enable/disable some features, please define below global variables before setup this plugin:

  • vim.g.fzfx_disable_buffer_previewer: Disable nvim buffer for previewing file contents, use fzf builtin preview window via bat with best performance. By default this feature is enabled.

    Click here to see how to configure
    " vim scripts
    let g:fzfx_disable_buffer_previewer = 1 " or v:true
    -- lua scripts
    vim.g.fzfx_disable_buffer_previewer = 1 -- or true
  • vim.g.fzfx_enable_bat_theme_autogen: Enable bat themes auto generation for fzf's builtin preview window, it generates the TextMate .tmTheme file (widely used by text editors such as Sublime Text, VS Code and bat command) for bat based on current Neovim's colorscheme, thus makes a closer looking to Neovim's buffer. By default this feature is disabled.

    Click here to see how to configure
    " vim scripts
    let g:fzfx_enable_bat_theme_autogen = 1 " or v:true
    -- lua scripts
    vim.g.fzfx_enable_bat_theme_autogen = 1 -- or true

Create Your Own Command

Here's a minimal example that implement the ls -1 like FzfxLs command:

Click here to see how to configure

require("fzfx").register("ls", {
  --- @type CommandConfig
  command = {
    name = "FzfxLs",
    desc = "File Explorer (ls -1)",
  variants = {
      name = "args",
      feed = "args",
      default_provider = "filter_hiddens",
      name = "hidden_args",
      feed = "args",
      default_provider = "include_hiddens",
  --- @type table<string, ProviderConfig>
  providers = {
    filter_hiddens = {
      key = "ctrl-h",
      provider = { "ls", "--color=always", "-1" },
    include_hiddens = {
      key = "ctrl-u",
      provider = { "ls", "--color=always", "-1a" },
  --- @type table<string, PreviewerConfig>
  previewers = {
    filter_hiddens = {
      previewer = function(line)
        -- each line is either a folder or a file
        return vim.fn.isdirectory(line) > 0 and { "ls", "--color=always", "-lha", line }
          or { "cat", line }
      previewer_type = "command_list",
    include_hiddens = {
      previewer = function(line)
        return vim.fn.isdirectory(line) > 0 and { "ls", "--color=always", "-lha", line }
          or { "cat", line }
      previewer_type = "command_list",
  actions = {
    ["esc"] = function(lines)
      -- do nothing
    ["enter"] = function(lines)
      for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
        vim.cmd(string.format([[edit %s]], line))
  fzf_opts = {
    { "--prompt", "Ls > " },

First setup this plugin, then use require("fzfx").register(name, opts}) api to create your own searching command.

For detailed explanation of each components, please see A Generic Schema for Creating FZF Command and schema.lua.

API References

To help easier customizing/integrating, fzfx provides below modules and APIs.

It's highly recommended to use these APIs when you're creating a new searching command, rather than start from scratch, since they are usually robust and take various situations into consideration.

  • fzfx.cfg: Top-level configurations that directly register the searching command, such as FzfxFiles, FzfxLiveGrep, etc. Each module is an independent configuration.

  • fzfx.helper: Line-oriented utilities for parsing user input, query results and rendering the lines for (both left side and right side of) the fzf binary. Since a searching command is actually all about the lines: generating, previewing and invoking binded function on the lines.

  • fzfx.lib: Fundamental infrastructures, fzfx uses the commons.nvim library as a common utility lua library, please also refer to the commons.nvim's documentation.

    The commons.nvim library was originally part of fzfx.lib, since I found they're so commonly used and I almost need them for every of my Neovim plugins, I extracted them into this library.

Please see API References for more details.

πŸͺ² Known Issues

Please see Known Issues if you encountered any issue.

πŸ€ Alternatives

  • fzf.vim: Things you can do with fzf and Vim.
  • fzf-lua: Improved fzf.vim written in lua.
  • telescope.nvim: Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.

✏️ Development

To develop the project and make PR, please setup with:

To run unit tests, please install below dependencies:

Then test with vusted ./spec.

🎁 Contribute

Please open issue/PR for anything about fzfx.nvim.

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