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MitoZ 3.5

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@linzhi2013 linzhi2013 released this 05 Jan 15:37
· 73 commits to master since this release

Fixed bugs:

  1. Fixed the dependency problem of 'mitoz-tools': html5lib
  2. Fixed the sub-sampling bug (it was 10 times than expected) (--data_size_for_mt_assembly <float1>,<float2>)
  3. Fixed the bug on #154 and #24 (comment).
  4. #177
  5. #176 (new --tmp_dir option; beware that the directory must already exist!)

New features:

  1. Should now also run on Mac OS (M1 and Intel chips); but the assembler SPAdes won't work on Mac OS due to ablab/spades#873 and lack of proper version for Mac OS. However, you can download it from and put it into the mitozEnv environment (or PATH variable). The assembler mitoassembler also does not work on Mac OS yet. NB: it could be very tricky to install the Circos problem on Mac OS; you might want to install Circos by following

  2. Added a few tools to the 'mitoz-tools' command, see

  3. Users can now use their own sqn template file (--template_sbt):

mac OSX

$ circos --modules
missing            Math::Bezier
ok   1.999818 Math::BigFloat
missing            Math::Round
missing            Math::VecStat
ok    1.03_01 Memoize
ok       1.94 POSIX
missing            Params::Validate
ok       1.69 Pod::Usage
ok       2.05 Readonly
ok 2017060201 Regexp::Common
ok       2.87 SVG
missing            Set::IntSpan
missing            Statistics::Basic

$ cpan install Encode::Locale
$ cpanm Math::Bezier Math::Round Math::VecStat Set::IntSpan Statistics::Basic Params::Validate Module::Implementation IO::String