I'm Xian(Xian's Blog), and I'm a gopher. I'm passionate about coding, problem-solving, and creating beautiful, functional, and efficient applications.Love to learn all new knowledge about golang and keen to explore new technologies ๐ฅฐ
- Programming languages: golang
- Frameworks: crud,cv ๐คฃ
- Databases: Google ๐ญ
- Tools: ChatGPT ๐คก
- I'm not achieving anything right now, okay
- xiaolin coding
- Stereotyped writing
- MIT 6.824
- k8s
- CSDN:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_73129504?type=blog
- JueJin:https://juejin.cn/user/2019174153206983
- Blog:https://www.liuxian.asia/
- Email:[email protected]
- LeetCode:https://leetcode.cn/u/xian-wst/
- Learn to program
- Read books about computers
- Play paj ๐๐๐