These are config files to set up a system the way I like it. They are heavily inspired by Ryan Bates' Dot Files (
I am running on Mac OS X, but it will likely work on Linux as well.
Run the following commands in your terminal. It will prompt you before it does anything destructive. Check out the Rakefile to see exactly what it does.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
Install the dotfiles:
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
Setup the environment:
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake env
Or install the dotfiles and setup the environment at once:
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake setup
Many of the following features are added through the "liveh2o" Oh My ZSH plugin. If you're using rbenv, it's automatically loaded as well.
I normally place all of my coding projects in the ~/Code directory, specified using PROJECT_PATH
Easily access (and tab complete) the project path with the "c" command.
c rail<tab>
Search the project path skipping any vendor/ directories (i.e., find the current Rails version specified in Gemfiles):
hunt Gemfile rails
If you're using git, you'll notice the current branch name shows up in the prompt while in a git repository. I've also added some custom git functions I find very useful.
Find commit diffs between two branches (equivalent to git cherry -v my-topic-branch main
cherry my-topic-branch main
This is especially useful for finding differences between stable and development branches (i.e., changes in stable
that are not in main
, and vice versa)
Pull all remote git branches for a repo.
Pass -A
or --all
to pull remote git branches for all repos in the current directory (i.e., ~/Code)
Interactively rebase the current branch going back the specified number of commits (equivalent to git rebase -i HEAD~3
rebase 3
This is useful for editing, squashing, rewording, or removing previous commits. I use this on local topic branches.
Set Ruby to latest JRuby version in shell optionally specifying the version as an argument (equivalent to rbenv shell jruby-
jrb 9.4.1
Set Ruby to the version specified in ./.ruby-version
(equivalent to rbenv shell --unset
also aliased as lrb
Set Ruby to latest JRuby version in shell optionally specifying the version as an argument (equivalent to rbenv shell 3.2.1
rb 3.2