- Monitor the status of the SSV cluster operator and alarm when the operator is inactive
- WARN: Monitoring accuracy relies heavily on third-party API. (SSV API & SSVSCAN API)
- Monitor the SSV cluster balance, alarm before liquidation
- INFO: Does not rely on third-party API, Data comes from eth full node.
- Scan all clusters
- INFO: Does not rely on third-party API, Data comes from eth full node.
- Liquidation bot
- INFO: Does not rely on third-party API, Data comes from eth full node.
wget -c https://golang.org/dl/go1.20.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
make build
- Support mainnet, goerli, holesky
- Supports lark, telegram, gmail, and discord alarms. You must fill in one. If you fill in multiple, multiple alarms will be sent. create an alarm robot:
- Operator monitor
- Operator status monitoring is checked every 6.4 minutes
- Support monitoring multiple clusters
- Supports monitoring of all operators or specified operators in the cluster
- Liquidation monitor
- Liquidation monitoring is checked every 6 hours
- Support monitoring multiple clusters
- Cluster scan
- Scan all cluster data and calculate liquidation date
- Alarm test
- Send an alarm test to confirm that the alarm is available
ssv monitoring notifications.
ssv-notify [command]
Available Commands:
alarm-test Test alarms can be used
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
liquidation-bot liquidation bot
liquidation-monitor liquidation monitor
operator-monitor operator monitor
ssv-tools ssv tools
-c, --config string Path to configuration file (default "./config/config.yaml")
-h, --help help for ssv-notify
Use "ssv-notify [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# support: mainnet / goerli / holesky
network: mainnet
# eth execution layer rpc endpoint
ethrpc: # https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/xxxxxx
# Liquidate wallet private key
# If filled in, the alarm will be sent to lark
webhook: # https://open.larksuite.com/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/e836xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx
# If filled in, the alarm will be sent to telegram
accesstoken: # 665xxxxx:AAAXXXXXXXX-XXX
chatid: # -413xxxxxxx
# If filled in, the alarm will be sent to the mailbox
from: # [email protected]
password: # 'ydtd xxxx xxxx tdxj'
to: # [email protected]
# If filled in, the alarm will be sent to discord
webhook: # https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1214540203973414932/lC9-Wxp3BQ_WxlbOBLCXxxxxxXXXX
# operator monitor: Monitor the operator status of the validator cluster
aim: "all" # Use 'all' to monitor all operators; use commas to monitor some operators, such as 23,25
- # 0x344152eD7110694B004962CD61ddA876559Fd8a4
- # 0xdBCC5c776E4Ca9AdFBE9f2C341bB32e05f582448
# liquidation monitor: Monitor the balance of the cluster
threshold: 30 # Operational Runway less than 30 days will trigger an alarm
- # 0x344152eD7110694B004962CD61ddA876559Fd8a4
- # 0xdBCC5c776E4Ca9AdFBE9f2C341bB32e05f582448
After config.yaml is configured correctly
Operator monitor
nohup ./ssv-notify operator-monitor -c ./config/config.yaml > ./operator-monitor.log 2>&1 &
Liquidation monitor
nohup ./ssv-notify liquidation-monitor -c ./config/config.yaml > ./liquidation-monitor.log 2>&1 &
Liquidation bot
nohup ./ssv-notify liquidation-bot -c ./config/config.yaml > ./liquidation-bot.log 2>&1 &
Cluster scan
./ssv-notify ssv-tools scan-cluster -d ./ -c ./config/config.yaml
Alarm test
./ssv-notify alarm-test
- Remove third-party API dependencies