Multi-channel Non-negative Matrix Factorization by multiplicative update written in Octave.
You can execute Multi-channel NMF easily on Octave(of course MATLAB).
You should read the following article, (I'm not an author of Multi-channel NMF.)
- This default program execute a simulation by real number.
If you want to deal with real data, you can change codes, for example, "parameter_setting.m", "input_data.m" etc., for your use.
Size of the observation matrix: 12 × 20
Channel number: 2
Numbers of basis vectors: 4
Numbers of iterations: 100
Initial value setting method of update rules: random non-negative values for T & V, and identity matrix for H.
You can change these default settings on "parameter_setting.m" like the following,
% parameters
% Number of channel
M = 2;
% size of observation matrix
I = 12;
J = 20;
% basis vectors
K = 2;
% numbers of iterations
itr = 100;
Data that you want to use can be also changed on "input_data.m"
Initial value setting can be changed on each functions, "mnmf_Frb.m& mnmf_IS.m"
% initialization
T = abs(randn( I, K ));
V = abs(randn( K, J ));
H = zeros( M, M, I, K );
Id = eye( M, M ) / M;
for ii=1:I
for kk=1:K
H(:,:,ii,kk) = Id;
- I do NOT implement the NMF basis clustering and top-down clustering using the latent variables Z and bottom-up clustering in the reference paper.
Please read Issue.
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