First attempt at a portable portfolio mapping database on a stick. The idea is to run in conjunction with an offline node/webkit server to act as a desktop applicaiton.
Basic Steps to Reproduce:
- A portable version of PostgreSQL v9.3 with PostGIS v2.1 enabled: SourceForge has Windows portable installs
- PS D:\PostgreSQL\bin> .\pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t pmt10 > d:\pmt_dump.tar. PS E:\App\PgSQL\bin> .\pg_restore -U postgresql -d pmt10 > d:\pmt_dump.tar
- A portable web server:
- Run NodeJS/ExpressJS on a USB:
- <node ./api.js usb>
- Send any data element from a Postgres database, through a NodeJS/ExpressJS API to a simple HTML page being served from the portable web server.
Solution to target located in server/root
node configured to run directly to an api build in server/root. Opens in shell on launch.