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- Removed unused enums for type guards and behavior configurations.
- Consolidated type-related functionality into for better modularity and maintainability.
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TeamSPoon committed Jan 4, 2025
1 parent 9d1b168 commit ec23adf
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 328 deletions.
329 changes: 1 addition & 328 deletions prolog/metta_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2230,331 +2230,4 @@

% :- load_pfc_file('').

% Enums for Guarded Type Handling in Prolog

% GuardMatchResult: Describes the result of evaluating several type guards against the function arguments.
% EvaluationOrder: Describes how the type guards are prioritized during evaluation.
% ExecutionResult: Describes the outcome of executing the guarded expression.
% ExecutionResult: Describes the outcome of executing the guarded expression.
% What do when there are no successfull bodies

%predicate_behavior(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior)
predicate_behavior_impl('get-type', 1, fail_on_no_match, clause_order_priority, continue_on_success, continue_on_failure, fail_on_final_failure).

predicate_behavior_impl('foo', 2, return_original_on_no_match, fittest_first_priority, continue_on_success, continue_on_failure, return_original_on_final_failure).

predicate_behavior_impl('match', 4, fail_on_no_match, clause_order_priority, continue_on_success, continue_on_failure, fail_on_final_failure).
% default
predicate_behavior_fallback(_, _, return_original_on_no_match, clause_order_priority, continue_on_success, continue_on_failure, return_original_on_final_failure).

predicate_behavior(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior):-
predicate_behavior_impl(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior)
*->true; predicate_behavior_fallback(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior).

function_declaration(Predicate, Len, Parameters, ParamTypes, RetType, [let,ReturnVal,Body,ReturnVal], ReturnVal):-
len_or_unbound(Parameters, Len),
NR = ([Predicate|Parameters]+Body),
get_operator_typedef(Self, Predicate, Len, ParamTypes, RetType),

clause_match_level(Predicate, Len, Parameters, Score, Body, ReturnVal):-
function_declaration(Predicate, Len, Parameters, Types, RetType, Body, ReturnVal),

info_about(Predicate, Len):-
predicate_behavior(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior),
write_src_nl(predicate_behavior(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior)),!,
findall(Score- Body, clause_match_level(Predicate, Len, Parameters, Score, Body, ReturnVal), ScoredBodies),

implement_predicate([Predicate|Parameters], ReturnVal):-
catch(implement_predicate_nr([Predicate|Parameters], ReturnVal),metta_notreducable(ReturnVal),true).

implement_predicate_nr([Predicate|Parameters], ReturnVal) :-
len_or_unbound(Parameters, Len),

predicate_behavior(Predicate, Len, NoMatchBehavior, EvaluationOrder, SuccessBehavior, FailureBehavior, OutOfClausesBehavior),

% Generate Score-Body pairs
findall(Score- Body, clause_match_level(Predicate, Len, Parameters, Score, Body, ReturnVal), ScoredBodies),

% Handle no matches
(ScoredBodies \== [] ->
true ;
(NoMatchBehavior == fail_on_no_match -> fail ; throw(metta_notreducable([Predicate | Parameters])))), % vs return_original_on_no_match

% Sort based on evaluation order
(EvaluationOrder == clause_order_priority ->
OrderedBodies = ScoredBodies ;
sort(ScoredBodies, OrderedBodies)), % fittest_first_priority

% Extract bodies from sorted or original pairs
maplist(arg(2), OrderedBodies, Bodies),

% Iterate over bodies and handle success/failure policies
(((member(Body, Bodies), call(Body)) *->
(SuccessBehavior == cut_on_first_success -> ! ; true) % vs continue_on_success
(FailureBehavior == cut_on_first_failure -> (!, fail) ; fail)) % vs continue_on_failure
true ;
(OutOfClausesBehavior == fail_on_final_failure -> fail ; throw(metta_notreducable([Predicate | Parameters])))). % vs return_original_on_final_failure

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Core Logic with Type Guards
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Helper to check type guards.
guard_match(X, number) :- number(X).
guard_match(X, atom) :- atom(X).
guard_match(X, list) :- is_list(X).
guard_match(X, complex) :- is_list(X), length(X, N), N > 5.
guard_match(X, simple) :- is_list(X), length(X, N), N =< 5.
guard_match(_, generic).

% Define what happens inside the guarded body.
guarded_body(X, Result, success) :-
Result = processed(X).

guarded_body(X, Result, failure) :-
Result = return_original(X).

% Fallback logic if no guards match.
fallback_logic(X, Result) :-
writeln('No type guard matched. Executing fallback.'),
Result = default_value(X).

% Nested guard logic.
nested_guard(X, Result) :-
( X = hello ->
Result = special_case_handled
; Result = default_atom_result

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Tests
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Test 1: Simple Type Guard Matching
test_simple_guard :-
function(42, Result1), writeln(Result1),
function(hello, Result2), writeln(Result2),
function([], Result3), writeln(Result3),
function(foo, Result4), writeln(Result4).

% Test 2: Fallback Behavior
test_fallback :-
function_with_fallback([], Result), writeln(Result).

% Test 3: Prioritized Type Guard Evaluation
test_prioritized :-
prioritized_function([1,2,3], Result1), writeln(Result1),
prioritized_function([1,2,3,4,5,6], Result2), writeln(Result2),
prioritized_function(hello, Result3), writeln(Result3).

% Test 4: Nested Guarded Logic with Errors
test_nested :-
nested_function(42, Result1), writeln(Result1),
nested_function(hello, Result2), writeln(Result2),
nested_function(world, Result3), writeln(Result3),
nested_function([], Result4), writeln(Result4).

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Function Definitions
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Function with basic guards.
function(X, Result) :-
( guard_match(X, number) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, atom) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, list) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guarded_body(X, Result, failure)

% Function with a fallback mechanism.
function_with_fallback(X, Result) :-
( guard_match(X, number) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, atom) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; fallback_logic(X, Result)

% Function with prioritized guards.
prioritized_function(X, Result) :-
evaluation_order(fittest_first), % Assume we process most specific guards first.
( guard_match(X, complex) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, simple) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, generic) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guarded_body(X, Result, failure)

% Function with nested guards and error handling.
nested_function(X, Result) :-
( guard_match(X, number) ->
guarded_body(X, Result, success)
; guard_match(X, atom) ->
nested_guard(X, Result)
; fallback_logic(X, Result)

ffffff:- writeln('
?- test_simple_guard.
?- test_fallback.
?- test_prioritized.
?- test_nested.

%! freeist(+X, +Y, -Result) is det.
% A comparison predicate for `predsort/3` that sorts terms by freeness.
% Terms are sorted based on the following criteria:
% - Variables are considered the "most free" and are sorted first.
% - Partially instantiated terms come next.
% - Fully ground terms are sorted last. Among them, they are further sorted by
% their complexity (the total number of functors and arguments in the term).
% If two terms have the same degree of freeness and complexity, a lexicographic comparison
% is used as a final fallback.
% Example usage with `predsort/3`:
% ==
% ?- predsort(freeist, [X, f(Y), g(a), Z, b, h(1,2,3)], Sorted).
% % Sorted = [X, Z, f(Y), b, g(a), h(1, 2, 3)].
% ?- predsort(freeist, [a, f(a), h(a, b, c), g(a), b], Sorted).
% % Sorted = [a, b, g(a), f(a), h(a, b, c)].
% ?- predsort(freeist, [X, Z, f(X, Y), b, h(a), g(a)], Sorted).
% % Sorted = [X, Z, f(X, Y), b, g(a), h(a)].
% ?- predsort(freeist, [g(a), g(b), f(a, b), a, h(a, b, c), X, Z], Sorted).
% % Sorted = [X, Z, a, g(a), g(b), f(a, b), h(a, b, c)].
% ==
% @param Result Comparison result: `<`, `=`, or `>`.
% @param Y Second term to compare.
% @param X First term to compare.

%freeist(Result, X, Y):- X == Y, !, Result = (=).
freeist(Result, X, Y):- X =@= Y, !, compare(Result, Y, X).
freeist(Result, Y, X) :- compound(Y),Y=(YY-_),!,freeist(Result, YY, X).
freeist(Result, Y, X) :- compound(X),X=(XX-_),!,freeist(Result, Y, XX).
freeist(Result, Y, X) :-
term_freeness(Y, FX),
term_freeness(X, FY),
( FX = FY ->
( FX = 2 -> % If both terms are ground
term_arity(Y, AX),
term_arity(X, AY),
( AX = AY ->
term_complexity(Y, CX),
term_complexity(X, CY),
( CX = CY ->
(compound_term_compare(ResultNE, X, Y), (ResultNE \= (=) -> ResultNE=Result ; compare(Result, Y, X))) % Compare compound terms argument by argument
; compare(Result, CX, CY) )
; compare(Result, AX, AY) )
; compare(Result, Y, X) ) % Fallback for other types if freeness is the same
; compare(Result, FX, FY) % Compare by freeness
), !.

% Calculate term freeness
term_freeness(Term, 1) :- attvar(Term), !.
term_freeness(Term, 0) :- var(Term), !.
%term_freeness(Term, 1) :- term_variables(Term, Vars), Vars \= [], !.
term_freeness(_, 2).

% Calculate term arity (number of arguments)
term_arity(Term, Arity) :-
%ground(Term), % Only applies to ground terms
Term =.. [_|Args],
length(Args, Arity).
term_arity([_|Args], Arity):-length(Args, Arity).

% Calculate term complexity (total number of functors and arguments in the term)
term_complexity(Term, Complexity) :- fail,
ground(Term), % Only applies to ground terms
term_complexity_acc(Term, 0, Complexity).

term_complexity_acc(Term, Acc, Complexity) :-
Term =.. [_|Args],
length(Args, ArgCount),
NewAcc is Acc + 1 + ArgCount,
foldl(term_complexity_acc, Args, NewAcc, Complexity).

term_to_list(L, [L]):- \+ compound(L),!.
term_to_list(L,L):- is_list(L),!.
term_to_list(C, [F|Args]):- C \=[_|_],!, compound_name_arguments(C,F,Args).
term_to_list(L, [L]).

% Compare compound terms argument by argument
compound_term_compare(Result, X, Y) :-
compare(FunctorResult, SY, SX), % Compare functors lexicographically
( FunctorResult = (=) ->
compare_args(Result, XX, YY) % Compare arguments recursively
; Result = FunctorResult ).

% Recursively compare lists of arguments
compare_args(Result, [A1|Rest1], [A2|Rest2]) :- !,
non_compound_compare(ArgResult, A1, A2), % Compare individual arguments using the custom predicate
( ArgResult = (=) ->
compare_args(Result, Rest1, Rest2) % Continue with the remaining arguments
; Result = ArgResult ).
compare_args(Result, A, B) :- A==B, Result = (=). % Both lists are empty
compare_args(Result, A, _) :- A==[], Result = (<). % First list is shorter
compare_args(Result, _, B) :- B==[], Result = (>). % Second list is shorter

% Example custom comparison for individual atoms or non-compound terms
non_compound_compare(Result, A, B) :-
% Example: Comparing atoms by custom weights
nc_weight(A, WA),
nc_weight(B, WB),
(WA==WB-> compare(Result, WB, WA); compare(Result, A, B)).

% Example weight mapping for atomics
nc_weight(Attvar, 7):- attvar(Attvar),!.
nc_weight(Var, 8):- var(Var),!.
nc_weight(T, N):- is_decl_mtype(T,N),!.
nc_weight(T, N):- is_decl_utype(T,N),!.
nc_weight(T, 6):- atomic(T),!.

:- ensure_loaded(metta_typed_functions).

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