Here is a non-exaustive, work in progress list of resources for data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data and text analytics, and data visualization.
I've also included links for web and API development, programming languages, DevOps tools, cloud computing, and more.
- InnoArchiTech
- Flowing Data
- KDnuggets
- R-bloggers
- Analytics Vidhya
- Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Simply Statistics
- Walking Randomly
- FastML
- No Free Hunch
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Data Science Weekly
- Edwin Chen
- Harvard Data Science
- Awesome Data Science
- Data Science Resources
- Data science blogs
- Data Science Specialization resources
- Data Science Specialization notes
- Python Data Science Tutorials
- R Data Science Tutorials
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials
- Learn Data Science open resources
- List of Data Science/Big Data Resources
- General Assembly's Data Science course materials
- Scikit-learn Tutorial
- theano-tutorial
- IPython Theano Tutorials
- ISLR-python
- Awesome R
- Data science IPython notebooks
- Data-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-Projects
- machine_learning
- ipython-notebooks
- Spark Notebook
- Python Machine Learning book resources
- Learning-Predictive-Analytics-with-R
- Data Science from Scratch book resources
- IPython Cookbook materials
- Python Data Science Handbook Supplemental Materials
- Data Science Weekly resources
- Data School resources
- Open Source Data Science Masters
- Open Source Data Science Masters - GitHub
- Choosing the right estimator
- Awesome Public Datasets
- AWS Public Datasets
- 100+ Interesting Data Sets for Statistics
- Kaggle Datasets
- FiveThirtyEight data
- Google BigQuery Public Datasets
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Memcache
- PostgreSQL
- BigTable
- S3
- Neo4j
- CouchBase
- Cassandra
- Riak
- HBase
- CouchDB
- ElasticSearch
- Hadoop
- Spark
- Keras: Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow
- Weka
- Theano
- TensorFlow
- Hive
- Pig
- Anaconda
- Python
- R
- ggplot2
- Rcpp
- dplyr
- plyr
- stringr
- shiny
- knitr
- readr
- R Markdown
- tidyr
- lubridate
- lme4
- nlme
- mime
- mda
- lasso2
- lars
- digest
- reshape2
- colorspace
- RColorBrewer
- manipulate
- scales
- labeling
- proto
- randomForest
- glmnet
- caret
- ggvis
- rgl
- htmlwidgets
- leaflet
- dygraphs
- googleVis
- zoo
- RCurl
- jsonlite
- bitops
- devtools
- magrittr
- packrat
- Haven
- DT
- rpart
- party
- nnet
- e1071
- kernlab
- gbm
- wordcloud
- c50
- class
- neuralnet
- tm
- gmodels
- rodbc
- princurve
- General CRAN List - By task
- General CRAN List - NLP/Text analytics
- General CRAN List