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IO and effects refactoring

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@louthy louthy released this 07 Aug 12:28
· 216 commits to main since this release

In the last release I wrote this:

"Because the traits are all interfaces we can't use operator | for error handling"

I realised that because @catch creates a temporary struct (the various Catch* record structs) that I could attach operator | to those types and make @catch work for K<F, A> types that are Fallible<F> or Fallible<E, F>.

This took me down a massive rabbit hole! So this release has quite a few changes. If you're using v5 then you'll need to pay attention. And, if you're using runtimes, you'll really need to pay attention!


As, many of you know, in v4 we can @catch errors raised in the Eff<RT, A> and Eff<A> types by using the | operator like a coalescing operator. For example:

   public static Eff<RT, Unit> main =>
        from _1 in timeout(60 * seconds, longRunning)
                 | @catch(Errors.TimedOut, unit)
        from _2 in Console<Eff<RT>, RT>.writeLine("done")
        select unit;

This imposes a time-limit on the longRunning operation, which throws a TimedOut error if it doesn't finish in time. It then catches the timeout and continues safely by returning a default value of unit.

There were a number of types that @catch (depending on the overload) could create:

  • CatchValue<A> - for returning default values (as above)
  • CatchValue<E, A> - for returning default values (with generic error type)
  • CatchError - for returning an alternative error
  • CatchError<E> - for returning an alternative error (with generic error type)
  • CatchIO<A> - for returning and lifting an IO<A> as the result
  • CatchIO<E, A> - for returning and lifting an IO<A> as the result (with generic error type)
  • CatchM<M, A> - for returning and lifting an K<M, A> as the result
  • CatchM<E, M, A> - for returning and lifting an K<M, A> as the result (with generic error type)

Each one carries a predicate function and an action function. If the predicate returns true for the error raised then the action is run, otherwise the result it left alone. This means a chain of | catch(...) operations can effectively pattern match the errors raised.

Most importantly: the arguments to @catch can make the inference of the generic parameters automatic, so we don't have to manually write @catch<Error, Eff, int>(...) -- this makes catch usable.

Back to the idea that we have a Fallible<E, F> (and Fallible<F> which is equivalent to Fallible<Error, F>). Because, operator declarations can't have generic parameters, all generic parameters must come from the type.

To be able to leverage the Fallible<E, F> trait then we need F (the trait type), E (the error type), and A (the bound value type):

public interface Fallible<E, F>
    public static abstract K<F, A> Catch<A>(
        K<F, A> fa,
        Func<E, bool> Predicate, 
        Func<E, K<F, A>> Fail);


Only one of the Catch* record structs has all of those generics:

  • CatchM<E, M, A> - for returning and lifting an K<M, A> as the result (with generic error type)

So, that's the only type that can support an operator | that can work with Fallible<E, M>:

public readonly record struct CatchM<E, M, A>(Func<E, bool> Match, Func<E, K<M, A>> Value)
    where M : Fallible<E, M>
    public static K<M, A> operator |(K<M, A> lhs, CatchM<E, M, A> rhs) =>
        lhs.Catch(rhs.Match, rhs.Value);

So, I had a couple of options:

  1. Add support only to CatchM and leave the other Catch* types as non-Fallible supporting
  2. Remove all of the other Catch* types that can't support Fallible

Option 1 would mean that some usages of @catch would work with Eff<A> but not K<Eff, A>. This felt unsatisfactory.
Option 2 would mean that some of the convenience @catch overrides would have to be removed. So, you couldn't write this anymore:

   @catch(Errors.TimedOut, unit)

You'd have to write (one of):

   @catch(Errors.TimedOut, SuccessEff(unit))
   @catch(Errors.TimedOut, pure<Eff, Unit>(unit))
   @catch(Errors.TimedOut, unitEff)  // unitEff is a static readonly of SuccessEff

Option 2 is the option I've gone with. The reasons for this are primarily for consistency between the concrete types (Eff<A>) and their abstract pairs (K<Eff, A>), but also...

Every single Fallible type gets to use @catch!

So, previously, @catch only worked for Eff<RT, A>, Eff<A>, and IO<A>. It now works for:

  • IO<A>
  • Eff<RT, A>
  • Eff<A>
  • Either<L, R>
  • EitherT<L, M, R>
  • Fin<A>
  • FinT<M, A> - more on this later
  • Option<A>
  • OptionT<M, A>
  • Try<A>
  • TryT<A>
  • Validation<F, A>
  • ValidationT<F, M, A>

So now all Fallible types get to use @catch and they all get to use the same set (well, some are specifically for the Error type, like @expected and @exceptional, but other than that they're all the same).

Things to note about this change:

  • Because @catch is now entirely generic and based around Fallible types, the | operator can only return K<M, A>, so you may need to use .As() if you need to get back to the concrete type.
  • For catch-all situations, it's better to not use @catch at all, unless you need access to the error value.

MonadIO refactor

The generalisation of catching any errors from Fallible led to me doing some refactoring of the Eff<RT, A> and Eff<A> types. I realised not all errors were being caught. It appeared to be to do with how the IO monad was lifted into the Eff types. In the Monad<M> trait was a function: WithRunInIO which is directly taken from the equivalent function in Haskell's IO.Unlift package.

I decided that was too complicated to use. Every time I used it, it was turning my head inside out, and if it's like that for me then it's probably unusable for others who are not fully aware of unlifting and what it's about. So, I removed it, and UnliftIO (which depended on it).

I have now moved all lifting and unlifting functions to MonadIO:

public interface MonadIO<M>
    where M : MonadIO<M>, Monad<M>
    public static virtual K<M, A> LiftIO<A>(IO<A> ma) =>
        throw new ExceptionalException(Errors.LiftIONotSupported);

    public static virtual K<M, A> LiftIO<A>(K<IO, A> ma) =>

    public static virtual K<M, IO<A>> ToIO<A>(K<M, A> ma) =>
        throw new ExceptionalException(Errors.UnliftIONotSupported);

    public static virtual K<M, B> MapIO<A, B>(K<M, A> ma, Func<IO<A>, IO<B>> f) =>
        M.ToIO(ma).Bind(io => M.LiftIO(f(io)));

Monad<M> inherits MonadIO<M>, which isn't how it should be, but because of the limitations of C#'s type system we have all monads expose the MonadIO functionality (otherwise monad-transformers won't work). I'm still thinking through alternative approaches, but I'm a little stumped at the moment. So, for now, there are default implementations for LiftIO and ToIO that throw exceptions. You only implement them if your type supports IO.

  • LiftIO as most will know, will lift an IO<A> into your monad-transformer.
  • ToIO is the opposite and will unpack the monad-transformer until it gets to the IO monad and will then return that as the bound value.

For example, this is the implementation for ReaderT:

    public static ToIO<A>(K<ReaderT<Env, M>, A> ma) =>
        new ReaderT<Env, M, IO<A>>(env => ma.As().runReader(env).ToIO());

So, we run the reader function with the env environment-value, it will return a K<M, A> which we then call ToIO() on to pass it down the transformer stack. Eventually it reaches the IO monad that just returns itself. This means we run the outer shell of the stack and not the inner IO.

That allows methods like MapIO to operate on the IO<A> monad, rather than the <A> within it:

M.ToIO(ma).Bind(io => M.LiftIO(f(io)));

What does this mean?

  • It means you can call .MapIO(...) on any monad that has an IO monad within it (as long as ToIO has been implemented for the whole stack)
  • Once we can map the IO we can generalise all of the IO behaviours...

Generalised IO behaviours

The IO<A> monad has many behaviours attached to it:

  • Local - for creating a local cancellation environment
  • Post - to make the IO computation run on the SynchronizationContext that was captured at the start of the IO operation
  • Fork - to make an IO computation run on its own thread
  • Await - for awaiting a forked IO operation's completion
  • Timeout - to timeout an IO operation if it takes too long
  • Bracket - to automatically track resource usage and clean it up when done
  • Repeat, RepeatWhile, RepeatUntil - to repeat an IO operation until conditions cause the loop to end
  • Retry, RetryWhile, RetryUntil - to retry an IO operation until successful or conditions cause the loop to end
  • Fold, FoldWhile, FoldUntil - to repeatedly run an IO operation and aggregating a result until conditions cause the loop to end
  • Zip - the ability to run multiple IO effects in parallel and join them in a tuppled result.

Many of the above had multiple overrides, meaning a few thousand lines of code. But, then we put our IO monad inside monad-transformers, or encapsulate them inside types like Eff<A> and suddenly those functions above are not available to us at all. We can't get at the IO<A> monad within to pass as arguments to the IO behaviours.

That's where MapIO comes in. Any monadic type or transformer type that has implemented ToIO (and has an IO<A> monad encapsulated within) can now directly invoke those IO behaviours. And not only that, they can be fully generalised:

public static K<M, A> TimeoutIO<M, A>(this K<M, A> ma, TimeSpan timeout)
    where M : Monad<M>, MonadIO<M> =>
    ma.MapIO(io => io.Timeout(timeout));

So, to call the IO<A>.Timeout function for the IO<A> monad buried within K<M, A> we simply call MapIO to get the io monad an then use it to invoke our IO behaviour. It then automatically gets wrapped back up inside a K<M, A> monad.

This means every single IO behaviour is now available to you as soon as you make a type that encapsulates the IO monad. Again, as long as ToIO is implemented.

To avoid name-clashes with existing methods and functions, these are the generic behaviours:

  • LocalIO and Prelude.localIO
  • PostIO and Prelude.postIO
  • ForkIO and Prelude.forkIO
  • TimeoutIO and Prelude.timeoutIO
  • BracketO and Prelude.bracketIO
  • RepeatIO, RepeatWhileIO, RepeatUntilIO and Prelude.repeatIO, repeatWhileIO, repeatUntilIO
  • RetryIO, RetryWhileIO, RetryUntilIO and Prelude.retryIO, retryWhileIO, retryUntilIO
  • FoldIO, FoldWhile, FoldUntil and Prelude.foldIO, foldWhileIO, foldUntilIO
  • ZipIO and Prelude.zipIO

Deleted Eff extensions

All of the above means that Eff<RT, A> and Eff<A> don't nee their own Fork, Repeat, Retry, Zip, etc. extensions or prelude functions. So, they've been deleted. But note, that will have the following fallout:

  • The new extensions and functions all end with "IO" and so you'll need to fix up any errors
  • The new extensions and functions all return the generic K<Eff, A> and K<Eff<RT>, A>, so you may need strategic use of .As() to get back to a concrete type.

Eff gone back to ReaderT backed rather than StateT

When refactoring the Eff monads for v5 I decided to switch to use the StateT<RT, IO, A> transformer-stack as the underlying implementation. The problem with this is that the lifted IO monad isn't an IO<A> it's an IO<(A, S)> (because we need to return the updated state). Unfortunately, that means we can't implement ToIO for StateT because we'd lose the updated state if we mapped the resulting IO<(A, S)> to IO<A>; breaking the soundness of the StateT monad and probably bringing in other unexpected side-effects.

So if Eff<RT, A> and Eff<A> are going to be able to leverage these new generalised IO behaviours (from the last section), then they have to be implemented with ReaderT. If IO<A> is lifted into a ReaderT then it can yield an IO<A> in any ToIO implementation, which makes it sound.

Statefullness in runtimes (next part of the rabbit hole...)

The reason I decided to make Eff<RT, A> use a StateT transformer before was because I wanted the runtimes (RT) to allow for stateful behaviour. And so, going back to being a ReaderT meant that the Reads and Mutates traits could no longer work (because they both depended on Stateful, which is the generalised state mutation trait).

The following refactorings have happened:

  • The Has trait has now gone static
    • The Trait property is now called Ask
    • That means updating your runtimes to change .Trait to .Ask and to make the implementations static
  • The Reads trait has now been deleted, it ended up being the same as Has
  • The Mutates trait now derives from Has and provides a Mutable property that exposes an Atom<InnerEnv>
    • The idea being that your 'runtime' environment contains mutable values that can be atomically updated via Mutates
    • But, you can also access an atomic snapshot via Ask
    • This, I think, is the best way to allow for mutation in a 'readable' environment
  • A new trait called Local
    • This formalises the local-scope changes to the runtime that a Readable type can do via Readable.local(f, ma)
    • It also derives from Has
    • Which means you can Local.with(f, ma) to create a localised runtime and Has.ask to access the current value

The one piece of code in all of language-ext that needed this local-state was Activity<M, RT>. So, here's some of it, so you can see what's changed:

public class Activity<M, RT>
    where M : 
    where RT :
        Has<M, ActivitySourceIO>,
        Local<M, ActivityEnv>
    static K<M, ActivitySourceIO> activityIO =>
        Has<M, RT, ActivitySourceIO>.ask;

    static K<M, ActivityEnv> env =>
        Has<M, RT, ActivityEnv>.ask;

    public static K<M, TA> span<TA>(
        string name,
        ActivityKind activityKind,
        HashMap<string, object> activityTags,
        Seq<ActivityLink> activityLinks,
        DateTimeOffset startTime,
        K<M, TA> operation) =>
        from a in startActivity(name, activityKind, activityTags, activityLinks, startTime)
        from r in Local.with<M, RT, ActivityEnv, TA>(e => e with { Activity = a }, operation)
        select r;


Things to note:

  • We're constraining the runtime, RT, to Has<M, ActivitySourceIO> and Local<M, ActivityEnv>
  • That means we can access the ActivitySourceIO interface by using: Has<M, RT, ActivitySourceIO>.ask
  • We can also access the current ActivityEnv by using Has<M, RT, ActivityEnv>.ask
  • And it means we can create a locally scoped runtime with Local.with<M, RT, ActivityEnv, A>(f, operation)
  • Note that Has<M, VALUE> is not the same as Has<M, Env, VALUE>
    • The first one is the trait. We use that to say there's a property, called Ask, that will return a K<M, VALUE> value.
    • This allows for access to the traits and configuration values (from the runtime)
    • However, because you will likely implement multiple traits and use multiple traits to refine your RT types in generalised code, it's not possible to call RT.Ask without there being type-system ambiguities.
    • So, the second Has type: Has<M, Env, VALUE>, has been added to resolve those ambiguities

This is the implementation of Has<M, Env, VALUE> implementation:

public static class Has<M, Env, VALUE>
    where Env : Has<M, VALUE>
    /// <summary>
    /// Cached trait interface accessor
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly K<M, VALUE> ask =

Because it constrains to only a single trait (Has<M, VALUE>) it can call Env.Ask and have it resolve unambiguously. This has the added benefit that the K<M, VALUE> value, that it reads from your runtime, will be cached. That will minimise allocations in effectful code.

So, this whole system now completely generalises the idea of environment access and scoping as well as mutation. It also means you don't need to carry around either the Stateful or Readable traits in your generalised effectful code.

Here's an example, before and after, from the Newsletter sample project:


public static class Email<M, RT>
    where RT : 
        Has<M, EmailIO>,
        Has<M, ConsoleIO>,
        Reads<M, RT, Config>
    where M :
        Stateful<M, RT>,
    public static K<M, Unit> sendToAll(Seq<Member> members, Letter letter) =>
        members.Traverse(m => send(m.Name, m.Email, letter))


public static class Email<M, RT>
    where RT : 
        Has<M, EmailIO>,
        Has<M, ConsoleIO>,
        Has<M, Config>
    where M :
    public static K<M, Unit> sendToAll(Seq<Member> members, Letter letter) =>
        members.Traverse(m => send(m.Name, m.Email, letter))


Has been refactored to use these new traits and constraints.

FinT - new monad transformer

There's a new monad transformer, FinT, which is the transformer version of Fin. It was only of the last of the monadic types not to have a transformer pair, so that's now done.


This just confirms why keeping the project in a beta state for now makes sense. My real-world usage of the beta is bringing up these areas of improvement and allows me to bring them in without causing multiple migration problems! Any questions feel free to discuss below...