An adaptation from CDCN-Face-Anti-Spoofing.pytorch and face-anti-spoofing, add script to build custom data and fix bugs
pip install -r requirements.txt
RTX3060 Laptop
get original data from here
OR if you‘d like to train on custom data, use to add/create your custom dataset
before run, labeled images should be put in data/custom. Label format is like 0_xxxx.jpg
tune params in config yaml file and run
to see log visualization:
tensorboard --logdir=experiments/log --port=8008
single image inference by
difference from origin CDCN:
- The original version uses living face depth map estimated by PRNet and spoofing depth map is set to 0 In this version, spoofing depth map is also set to 0, but the living face depth map is set to 1 directly
- due to the difference about depth map, scores are calculated differently
- different training strategies
- add custom data & param θ=0.7 as in origin paper;
- add pre-processing before inference
- save optimal weights instead of latest
- add api to load pretrained model, continue training checkpoints you saved in output dir
- add api for pre-generated depth maps. If you want to train with the depth map estimated by PRNet, put the depth map you generated from live face into data/train/depth and add a column "depth/xxxx" to the .csv corresponding to the depth map file. then set "depth_map_default" to 0 and train