This is a small adventure game written in Ruby. It is a Ruby rewrite of Fallout 3 Easter Egg. You play as Grognak, a mighty barbarian, and your goal is to put an end to the terrible reign of Grelok, an evil wizard.
It is best to run the game in ruby: ruby grelok.exe
But if you are under Windows and don't have Ruby, you can use the all-in-one executable: reign_of_grelok.exe
- movement: n(orth), s(outh), e(ast), w(est)
- inventory: i(nventory)
- look at thing: e(xamine), l(ook at) [thing]
- pick up thing: t(ake), p(ick up) [thing]
- drop thing: d(rop) [thing]
- give thing: give [thing] to [npc]
- use thing: use [thing] on [thing|npc|monster]
- fight: attack [npc|monster] with [thing]
- communication: talk to (tt) [npc], ask [npc] about [thing]
- save [name]
- load [name]
- quit
Original mini-game: Copyright (c) 2008 Bethesda Game Studios, Fallout 3 developers
Ruby rewrite: Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Lukas Stejskal