This service allows a user to log into the LTO web wallet using the mobile wallet (aka LTO Universal wallet).
npm ci
npm run start
By default, the service will work for testnet. For mainnet set env var LTO_NETWORK_ID=L
From the web wallet, create a websocket connection to
. Upon connection the
service will send a code (in plain text). Use the code to create the url and generate the following JSON
"@schema": "",
"url": ""
Generate a QR code of this JSON and display it.
From the mobile wallet, scan the QR code. Check the schema to find out it's a request to log into the web wallet. Take the URL and sign it. Create the following JSON message and do a POST request to the given URL
"address": "3JxqH4iGhTQzRWCMkWf4HYFjRXWf5yXZPq4",
"keyType": "ed25519",
"publicKey": "EKaNpcGAwQCzTfuxXdNYxnJ96drihkysehfxcprm7mH6",
"signature": "58khekD4X4uCq7A5VSK6nzhe4ZKLUQtGsNYneAyaHgZWk8C8UwT66AiuBRPRWoNyYC2bR2V2qNMcLAaQePRJUSdS"
The server will respond with a 200 status upon success and otherwise with a 400 or 404 status.
Upon a successful POST request from the mobile wallet, the auth service will send a message to web wallet over the web socket
"address": "3JxqH4iGhTQzRWCMkWf4HYFjRXWf5yXZPq4",
"keyType": "ed25519",
"publicKey": "EKaNpcGAwQCzTfuxXdNYxnJ96drihkysehfxcprm7mH6"
Run node test.js
to test a whole round trip.
Run node test-qr.js
to emulate the web wallet. This script generates a QR code to test the mobile wallet.