This is a small and simple toolkit that might be useful during steganalysis, it is currently composed by several general purpose command line tools.
- Version: 0.3
- Author: [email protected]
- License : Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Install: pip2 install -r requirements.txt
Produce a picture from input image that enhance bit variations.
This particular picture might reveal suspicious patterns inside the analyzed image.
Dump the 'LSBs' of the image pixel with several modalities. For instance is
possible to select wich channel consider during extraction ([a][r][g][b]) or
which bit consiter ([0..7]).
Supported algorithms:
RAW LSB - examples (pixel/data-bits)
pixel | rgba | rgba | rgba | rgba |
data | 7654 3210 | 7654 3210 |
pixel | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb |
data | 765 432 107 | 654 321 076 | 543 210 765 | 432 107 |
pixel | rg | rg | rg | rg | rg
data | 76 Basic Profile
pixel | r | r | r | r
data | 7 6 5 4
CLASSIC LSB - examples (pixel/data-bits)
channel= rgb (mandatory)
| rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb | rgb |
| 765 432 10- | 765 432 10- | 765 432 10E |
'-' means unused, 'E' means end of bit stream (our "EOF")
In practice '-' is a 0-bit and 'E' becomes 1-bit
lsb-extract's dual tool.
Embed data from STDINPUT into a picture using the same algorithms
Calculate the randomness of a bit string.
Calculate theautocorrelation of a bit string measuring how much the shifted
version of the bit string is similar to the original bit string.
Number of shits and shift step are configurable.
Perform a chi-square test on an image pixel stream. This statistical test
helps to determinate when the distribution of lsb is similar to a random
distribution (might reveal encrypted or compressed payload).
If you need graphics use some external tool like gnuplot.
Utiliy that produce a pixel stream in output, in other world it
print out the integer values of the image pixels.
Typical usage: /lsb-echo-pixels -f image.png | ./lsb-chisquare
Create pictures from a pixel stream. It could be useful for visualizing raw files
in order to observe the presence of regular patterns, or also for recreate image
from an extracted pixel stream (eg. with lsb-echo-pixels)
Utility for performing pixel per pixel operation on a couple of images.
Can be really useful if user has access to the original steganography carrier.
./ -f image.png -o dump -c rgb -b 012
Means that you will extract the bit 0,1 and 2 from every pixel considering rgb channels. Note that rgb is different than grb and 012 is different than 102 !
Use --help on each tool for further detail.
- Support audio too..
- Support more algorithms
- Support more analysis (RS analysis?)