This repository contains code and recipes for the G3W-SUITE web-gis application.
This dockerization is based on project of Alessandro Pasotti (elpaso,
Create a file .env
(or copy .env.example
and rename it in .env
) and place it in the main directory, the file
will contain the database credentials (change <your password>
) and other settings:
# External hostname, for docker internal network aliases
# This volume is persistent and mounted by all
# containers as /shared-volume
# DB setup
# Caching
# URL of the QGIS Server
# Set G3W-SUITE debug state
G3WSUITE_DEBUG = 1 (0 default)
# Gunicorn workers (default to 8)
The main suite image can be built with:
docker build -f Dockerfile.g3wsuite.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/g3w-suite-dev:latest --no-cache .
The image is build from --branch dev
and from a dependencies base image Dockerfile.g3wsuite-deps.dockerfile
, the dependencies image can be built with:
docker build -f Dockerfile.g3wsuite-deps.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/g3w-suite-deps:latest --no-cache .
Postgis image can be built with:
docker build -f Dockerfile.postgis.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5 .
The Docker hub name for this image is g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5
- check the domain name in the
file and inconfig/nginx/django_ssl.conf
- run
mkdir -p /shared-volume/ssl/certs/
- run:
docker pull certbot/certbot
- launch
- make sure the certs are renewed by adding a cron job with
crontab -e
and add the following line:0 3 * * * /home/g3w-suite/g3w-suite-docker/
- if you disabled HTTPS, you can move
back to its original location now, and restart the Docker compose to finally enable HTTPS
docker-compose up -d
- web application: 8080
Data, projects, uploads and the database are stored in a shared mounted volume shared-volume
, the volume should be on a persistent storage device and a backup
policy must be enforced.
- log into the application web administation panel using default credentials (admin/admin)
- change the password for the admin user and for any other example user that may be present
Tile cache can be configured and cleared per-layer through the webgis admin panel and lasts forever until it is disabled or cleared.
Tip: enable cache on linestring and polygon layers.
Templates can now be overridden by placing the overrides in the config/g3w-suite/overrides/templates
, a Docker service restart is required to make the changes effective.
The logo is also overridden (through config/g3w-suite/
which is mounted as a volume), changes to the settings file require the Docker service to be restarted.
A custom CSS is added to the pages, the file is located in config/g3w-suite/overrides/static/style.css
and can be modified directly, changes are effective immediately.
General rules (in no particular order: they are all mandatory):
- set scale-dependent visibility for the entire layer or for some filtered features (example: show only major roads until at scale 1:1E+6)
- when using rule-based/categorized classification or scale-dependent visibility create indexes on the column(s) involved in the rule expression (example: "create index idx_elec_penwell_ious on elec_penwell_ious (owner);" )
- start the project with only a few layers turned on by default
- do not turn on by default base-layers XYZ such as (Google base maps)
- do not use rule-based/categorized rendering on layers with too many categories (example: elec_penwell_public_power), they are unreadable anyway
- enable redering simplification for not-point layers, set it to
and checkEnable provider simplification if available
Postgres is running into a Docker container, in order to access the container, you can follow the instruction below:
$ docker ps | grep postgis
84ef6a8d23e6 g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5 "/bin/sh -c /docker-…" 2 days ago Up 2 days>5432/tcp g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1
In the above example the container name is g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1
$ docker exec -it g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1 bash
root@84ef6a8d23e6:/# su - postgres
postgres@84ef6a8d23e6:~$ psql
psql (11.2 (Debian 11.2-1.pgdg90+1))
Type "help" for help.
Portainer( is a software for build and manage Docker environments ina esay and graphical way.
For Portainer use docker-compose-portainer.yml
file and in plus of env vars before, set the follow mandatory env vars:
- G3WSUITE_DOCKER_INSTALL_DIR: host directory where this code is.
- PG_PUBLIC_PORT: host port to map Docker PostgreSql default port (5432).
- WEBGIS_HTTP_PORT: host port to map Docker Nginx port (8080).
- WEBGIS_HTTPS_PORT: host port to map Docker Nginx port (443).