DistroLucas.com https://distrolucas.com
- Nothing on the site should use non-personal source code
- Optimization is the highest priority
- Maybe? Make this be backwards-compatible (IE6)
This is my personal safe haven for re-inventing the wheel.
- Building the server for Ubuntu dotnet build "DistroLucasServer.NETCore.csproj" --configuration Release --runtime ubuntu.18.04-x64
- GZip support
- Minify CSS and JS support
- Dynamic CSS (should I just use SASS for this?)
- Dynamic points to what I''ll be doing - future streams/whatever
- Template system (HTML being re-used already)
- Paging system (index page should have everything needed to render the entire website, then later use small requests to get content)
- The URL is changed everytime you click a page, so your history is correctly built
- Actually using the history is not 100% (for some reason the quotes page deletes all history before it always)
- Multi-language support through cookies
- Paging system on the server (currently I have to create a Route for each page, even though they're all the same)
- Routing system automatically passes parameters to the Routes functions.
- JSON takes more space than just lines of text
- PNGs with compression can actually be lighter than JPEGs on low color count images
- Having all the content on the index page makes the loading of sub-pages insanely fast
- Anything I can't possibly develop in a timely manner, so:
- Visual Studio Code
- NGinx for HTTPS (one day might rewrite my server to support HTTPS, but NGINX would just plainly be more secure)
- Bit.ly (no money to buy 3-letter domain name + free data without selling my soul to Google)
- Visual Studio Code
- HTTPS by Certbot
- Reverse Proxy/HTTPS handling by NGinx
- Dynamic JS by NucleusJS: https://github.com/lucasassislar/nucleusjs
- Server by NucleusDotNet: https://github.com/lucasassislar/nucleusdotnet
- Initial HTTP server code by David Jeske
- Additional attributes for Route Management and listing more akin to ASP.NET/Express
- No caching for pages currently
- .NET Core 3 on Ubuntu 18