- This software is designed to be a scientific event manager
- This software was developed mostly in 2015 using Java and mySQL by me (lucianourgal) alone.
- It has beeen used in IFPR SEPIN'S (main scientific and cultural IFPR event) since 2015.
- Its use has saved hundreads work hours and thousands of dollars.
- User inputs validations
- Authors registration and updates
- Presentation registration and updates
- Sends a e-mail every time a presentation is inserted, updated or deleted
- Presentation evaluators registration and updates
- Manager by 'unidade'/campus definition by central comission
- Evaluators per presentation assignment (configurable to allow from different areas or not)
- Presentation's evaluation grades easy insertion and updates by evaluators
- Automated Ranking of best presentations by area calculation
- Automated evaluation forms generation
- Automated complete event report generation in .xls spreadsheet
- Automated Event Proceedings HTML generation
- Automated Event certificates PDF generation using JRXML (Jasper reports)
- Customizable system behavior throught inteface
- Presentations and evaluators registry allowance throught ticket codes owned by central commission
- Allows central comission to mark evaluators as non present to redistribute presentations evaluations and remove certificate from missing evaluators
- Connection to mySQL using SSH tunneling
- SQL injection resistant
- Connection retry for unstable networks
- MVC like structure
- Java 1.7 compatible. Java Swing interface
- Developed using NetBeans IDE
- Variables, comments, interface and generated .xls and .pdf are in portuguese language (PT-br)
- All java libraries included in 'LibrarysSEPIN v16.05.21.zip'
- Database access at src/ClassesAuxiliares/BancoDeDados.java
- Email address and password at src/ClassesAuxiliares/mailSender.java
- Certificates and Evaluation background images at lib/
- Your CPF to create a user at the end of 'MySQL initial data.txt'
- Your event name and 'unidade'/campi at 'MySQL initial data.txt'