Here we collect worldwide courses teaching formal methods
Course name: Software analysis
- Course code, if applicable: INF.M062
- University hosting the course: USI (Università della Svizzera italiana), Switzerland
- Contact person Carlo A. Furia
- Concepts taught: deductive verification, static analysis, type systems, model checking, predicate abstraction, symbolic execution, dynamic analysis
- Tools used: Dafny and the Checker Framework (for the course's assignments). The course also includes brief demos of Frama-C, Spin, CPAchecker, and Klee
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc (also available to PhD students)
- Country: Luxembourg
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Luxembourg
- Contact person Jun Pang, jun.pang
- Concepts taught: transition systems, linear-time properties, omega-regular properties, Buchi automata, LTL, CTL, LTL model checking, CTL model checking
- Tools used: Spin
- Webpage: Year/level: 2
Country: Luxembourg
Course code, if applicable:
University hosting the course: University of Luxembourg
Contact person Jun Pang, jun.pang
Concepts taught: Alloy, process algebra, mu-calculus, model checking, mcrl2
Tools used: Alloy, mcrl2
Year/Level: MSc
- Country: US
- Course code, if applicable: AERE/COMS 407/507
- University hosting the course: Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA)
- Contact person Kristin Yvonne Rozier (kyrozier
- Concepts taught: Logic Specifications, Temporal Logics (LTL, CTL), Explicit Model Checking, Symbolic Model Checking, Theorem Proving, Survey of state-of-the-art including the capabilities and limitations of applying formal methods for systems analysis, focusing on the aerospace domain
- Tools used: Spin, SPOT, nuXmv, PVS
- Webpage:
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Rennes 1
- Contact person Sandrine Blazy, Sandrine.Blazy
- Concepts taught: deductive verification, pre and post-conditions, loop invariants, type invariants, ghost code
- Tools used: Why3
- Webpage: (in French) Year/level: 3
- Country: Portugal
- Course code, if applicable: 11511
- University hosting the course: University of Beira Interior
- Contact person Simão Melo de Sousa (desousa
- Concepts taught: Type Theory, Proof Assistant, Hoare Logic, deductive verification tools
- Tools used: COQ, Why3
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: PhD
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: 06-28201
- University hosting the course: University of Birmingham
- Contact person David Parker
- Concepts taught: Modal logic, Temporal logic, Model checking, Real-time and probabilistic model checking
- Tools used: Examples: Nu-SMV, SPIN, ProB,FDR, Z3, UPPAAL, PRISM, ProVerif
- Webpage:
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: COS6020-B
- University hosting the course: University of Bradford
- Contact person ???
- Concepts taught: Classical logic, formal specification, model checking, reactive systems, program verification
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: CM30226
- University hosting the course: Bath
- Contact person ???
- Concepts taught: Category theory, Simply typed lambda calculus, natural deduction, Curry-Howard isomorphism
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: COMS30009
- University hosting the course: University of Bristol
- Contact person Steven Ramsay
- Concepts taught: Lambda calculus, Programming Languages, Type systems
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: COM3028
- University hosting the course: University of Surrey
- Contact person Brijesh Dongol (b.dongol
- Concepts taught: Modal logic, Temporal logic (LTL, CTL), Model checking, Hoare logic
- Tools used: NuSMV, Dafny, MCMAS
- Webpage:
- Country: Germany Course code: TI5002
- University hosting the course: THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
- Contact person Burkhardt Renz
- Concepts taught: Propositional Logic, SAT-Solving, Predicate Logic, Linear Temporal Logic, Natural Deduction
- Tools used: Logic Workbench (, Alloy, SPIN, Jape
- Webpage:
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Canvas MOOC Platform
- Contact person Mohammad Reza Mousavi, mm789
- Concepts taught: Formal Verification, Model Checking, Process Algebra, Behavioural Equivalences
- Tools used: mCRL2 (
- Webpage:,
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Portugal
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon)
- Contact person João F. Ferreira, joao
- Concepts taught: Denotational Semantics, Operational Semantics, Axiomatic Semantics, Hoare Logic, Separation Logic, Interactive Theorem Proving, Functional Programming
- Tools used: Coq, Haskell
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Netherlands
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Open University of the Netherlands
- Contact person Stef Joosten, stef.joosten
- Concepts taught: Specify an information system by means of constraints on a data space built up of relations.
- Tools used: Ampersand (the tool)
- Webpage:
- Country: Netherlands
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: TU Delft
- Contact person Jeroen Keiren, j.j.a.keiren
- Concepts taught: Labelled transition systems, process algebra, behavioural equivalences, mu-calculus, model checking, model based testing, ioco
- Tools used: mCRL2
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Netherlands
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Eindhoven University of Technology
- Contact person Jeroen Keiren, j.j.a.keiren
- Concepts taught: UML, Labelled transition systems, LTL, timed automata, model-based testing, ioco
- Tools used: starUML, UPPAAL
- Webpage:
- Country: Netherlands
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Eindhoven University of Technology
- Contact person Bas Luttik, s.p.luttik
- Concepts taught: Process calculus, structural operational semantics, various notions of bisimilarity, axiomatisation, soundness and completeness
- Tools used: No tools
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Netherlands
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Eindhoven University of Technology
- Contact person Jan Friso Groote, J.F.Groote
- Concepts taught: Behavioural equivalences, behavioural modelling, reasoning about processes, modal logics (modal mu-calculus), application to an industrial case study.
- Tools used: mCRL2 (
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Portugal
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Minho
- Contact person Jose N. Oliveira, jno
- Concepts taught: Formal specification, Modeling, Verification, Calculational design, Software architecture
- Tools used: NuSMV, Alloy, mCRL2, Reo, UPPAAL, MiniSat, SMT-LIB, Why3, Coq, Frama-C, Dafny, CBMC, ANTLR, RAPL
- Webpage: Year/level: MSc
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Université Paris-Diderot
- Contact person Claude Marché (Claude.Marche
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, Weakest preconditions, handling procedure calls modularly, handling data structures, aliasing issues, separation logic
- Tools used: Why3, Frama-C
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc This course is at level MSc, more precisely at second year of Parisian Master in Computer Science
- Country: Germany
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- Contact person Stefan Lucks, Stefan.Lucks
- Concepts taught: Ada, tool-based testing, the theory and practice of static verification with SPARK, distributed systems
- Tools used: -- gnat -- the SPARK toolset -- gps, emacs' Ada mode, ...
- Webpage:
Country: Spain
Course code, if applicable:
University hosting the course: University of Málaga
Contact person María-del-Mar Gallardo, gallardo
Concepts taught: Model checking, alloy, uml/ocl
Tools used: Spin, alloy, use
Year/Level: 4
Country: Norway
Course code, if applicable:
University hosting the course: University of Oslo
Contact person Peter Ölveczky, peterol
Concepts taught:
- Formal modeling and analysis;
- Equational logic;
- Rewriting logic;
- Distributed systems;
- Transport protocols;
- Distributed algorithms (distributed commit, distributed mutual exclusion, distributed leader election);
- Cryptographic protocols modeling and analysis;
- Temporal logic and TL model checking;
- Real-time and probabilistic systems;
Tools used: Maude
Year/Level: 2,3
- Country: Sweden
- Course code, if applicable: TDA567
- University hosting the course: Chalmers University
- Contact person Srinivas Pinisetty
- Concepts taught: formal specification and verification of code
- Tools used: Daphny
- Webpage:
- Country: Sweden
- Course code, if applicable: TDA293
- University hosting the course: Chalmers University
- Contact person Wolfgang Ahrendt
- Concepts taught: model checking, deductive verification, JML
- Tools used: SPIN, KeY
- Webpage:
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course:
- Contact person Allan Blanchard (mail
- Concepts taught: Frama-C, Deductive proof, Proof of C programs
- Tools used: Frama-C
- Webpage:
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Toulouse/INPT/ENSEEIHT
- Contact person Marc Pantel (Marc.Pantel
- Concepts taught: Logic, Induction, Hoare logic, Program proof, Language theory
- Tools used: Coq, Why3
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: 3
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Toulouse/INPT/ENSEEIHT
- Contact person Marc Pantel (Marc.Pantel
- Concepts taught: Software analysis tools (weakest precondition, model checking, abstract interpretation), Logic programming, Constraint Logic Programming, SAT, SMT
- Tools used: Students develop small abstract interpreter, gnu prolog, miniSAT, Z3
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: US
- Course code, if applicable: CS 451/551
- University hosting the course: Northern Arizona University
- Contact person Frédéric Loulergue (frederic.loulergue
- Concepts taught: operational semantics; axiomatic semantics; deductive verification; certified compilation; formalization in Coq; program analysis with Frama-C
- Tools used: Coq, Frama-C
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: 4, MSc, PhD
- Country: Portugal
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Beira Interior
- Contact person Simao Melo de Sousa (desousa
- Concepts taught: Deductive Program Verification, proof assistants, static program analysis
- Tools used: COQ, Why3, frama-C
- Webpage:,
- Year/Level: MSc, PhD
- Course code, if applicable: 11480
- University hosting the course: University of Beira Interior
- Contact person Simao Melo de Sousa (desousa
- Concepts taught: Deductive Program Verification, proof assistants, static program analysis
- Tools used: COQ, Why3, frama-C
- Webpage:,
- Year/Level: MSc
- Course code: CSSE3100
- Contact person Graeme Smith, smith
- University hosting the course: The University of Queensland
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, refinement calculus, theorem proving
- Tools: KeY theorem prover
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Université Paris-Diderot
- Contact person Claude Marché (Claude.Marche
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, Weakest preconditions, handling procedure calls modularly, handling data structures, aliasing issues, separation logic
- Tools used: Why3, Frama-C
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc This course is at level MSc, more precisely at second year of Parisian Master in Computer Science
- Course code: CSSE3100
- Contact person Graeme Smith, smith
- University hosting the course: The University of Queensland
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, refinement calculus, theorem proving
- Tools: KeY theorem prover
- Country: US
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Carnegie Mellon University
- Contact person Bryan Parno (parno
- Concepts taught: Software verification, systems, automation
- Tools used: Z3, Dafny, Coq
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: PhD
- Country: Italy
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Politecnico di Milano
- Contact person Dino Mandrioli (dino.mandrioli
- Concepts taught: Logics for specifying syteme; HOare's method; timed Petri nets, TRIO (a metric temporal logic for real-time systems). Case studies.
- Tools used: Zot, a local model checker.
- Webpage:
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Université Paris-Saclay
- Contact person Andrei Paskevich and Julien Signoles (julien.signoles
- Concepts taught: Hoare logic, WP calculus, formal specifications, memory models
- Tools used: Frama-C (WP plug-in) and Why3
- Webpage:
- Country: France
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Contact person Hubert Garavel & Laurence Pierre (hubert.garavel
- Concepts taught: Applied formal methods
- Tools used: many
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: UK
- Course code, if applicable: COM00012H
- University hosting the course: University of York
- Contact person Jeremy Jacob, jeremy.jacob
- Concepts taught: Model-oriented (Z) & process-oriented (CSP) specification & refinement
- Tools used: CZT; FDR4
- Webpage: (Behind a firewall) Year/level: 3
- Country: Ireland
- Course code, if applicable:
- University hosting the course: University of Limerick
- Contact person Tiziana Margaria, tiziana.margaria
- Concepts taught: ormal models, logics and model checking
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: COMP426
- University hosting the course: The University of Waikato
- Contact person Judy Bowen, judy.bowen
- Concepts taught: Formal specification of interactive systems
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: COMPX361
- University hosting the course: The University of Waikato
- Contact person Steve Reeves, stever
- Concepts taught: Logic, program verification
- Tools used:
- Webpage: https:/
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: COMP452
- University hosting the course: The University of Waikato
- Contact person Robi Malik, robi.malik
- Concepts taught: Model checking
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: COMP454
- University hosting the course: The University of Waikato
- Contact person Steve Reeves, stever
- Concepts taught: Formal specification using Z
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: SWEN421
- University hosting the course: Victoria University Wellington
- Contact person David Pearce, david.pearce
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, software verification
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: SWEN326
- University hosting the course: Victoria University Wellington
- Contact person David Pearce, david.pearce
- Concepts taught: Software verification, model checking, static analysis
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: New Zealand
- Course code, if applicable: SWEN324
- University hosting the course: Victoria University Wellington
- Contact person David Pearce, david.pearce
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, software verification
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: SWEN90010
- University hosting the course: The University of Melbourne
- Contact person Toby Murray, toby.murray
- Concepts taught: Alloy, Hoare Logic, SPARK Ada
- Tools used: Alloy
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: CITS5501
- University hosting the course: The University of Western Australia
- Contact person Arran Stewart, arran.stewart
- Concepts taught: Alloy
- Tools used: Alloy
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: COMP782
- University hosting the course: Macquarie University
- Contact person Annabelle McIver, annabelle.mciver
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, verification
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: COMP781
- University hosting the course: Macquarie University
- Contact person Annabelle McIver, annabelle.mciver
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, model checking
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: COMP1600
- University hosting the course: Australian National University
- Contact person Rajeev Gore, Rajeev.Gore
- Concepts taught: formal specification, Hoare Logic
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: COMP4630
- University hosting the course: Australian National University
- Contact person Rajeev Gore, Rajeev.Gore
- Concepts taught: logics, automated reasoning
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: COMP2111
- University hosting the course: University of New South Wales
- Contact person Kai Engelhardt, kaie
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, data refinement
- Tools used:
- Webpage:
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: CSSE3100
- University hosting the course: The University of Queensland
- Contact person Graeme Smith, smith
- Concepts taught: Hoare Logic, theorem proving, refinement calculus
- Tools used: KeY
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: 3
- Country: Australia
- Course code, if applicable: CSSE7610
- University hosting the course: The University of Queensland
- Contact person Graeme Smith, smith
- Concepts taught: Model Checking
- Tools used: SPIN
- Webpage:
- Year/Level: MSc