A Vim syntax highlighting file for OpenShadingLanguage and basic configuration files for a dark grey theme, automagical file detection for OSL. Why all this you may ask? It does provides immediate visual cues, i.e, reserved keywords that will trigger a OSLC compiler fail, and hopefully will reduce eyestrain.
Copy the .vim syntax file to your ~/.vim/syntax directory, and the .vimrc to your ~. For more information on creating, modifying and installing Vim syntax highlighting files, visit this link
Vim obviously, and the vimrc configuration file is set for OmniCompletion, which requires Ctags. Depending on how complex your shader library is, it might be worth it. You can create your ctags file by running it with
ctags –R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q <path/to/your/stdosl.h> <path/to/your/headers & files>
Then copy it to your ~/.vim/tags/ directory.
The vimrc file is using the Liberation fonts. If you use Fedora, install via
sudo dnf install liberation-mono-fonts