It's a group of algorithms aimed at optimization problems inspired by (a very simple interpretation of) the evolution theory. Most of those algorithms a heuristic or stochastic trial-and-error techniques.
The main idea is to create a population of individuals and loop through a succession of survival selection, mating, mutation and generation of a new population, derived from the former one, so we can iteratively aproximate the an ideal or sufficiently acceptable solution to the problem.
Gene: The value of a single variable of the problem-space solution.
Genotype: The collection of genes of an individual. Sometimes called chromosome or DNA in GA literature.
Alphabet: The solution's variables types. Think of it as the possible values of a gene.
Fitness: How 'adequate' a solution is to the given problem. How close or far it is from the optimal or an acceptable solution.
Fitness function: An objective function that calculates the fitness of an individual to the problem's solution.
Population: Collection of individuals.
Fenotype: The visual or functional representation of a genotype.
Generation: A group of individuals (population) that is "alive" (active) during a given genetic algorithm iteration.
generate initial population
calculate fitnesse for all individuals
while (solution condition not met)
generate new population
calculate fitness for all individuals
When the number of variables is too big, an individual with a linear fitness score slightly better than the other tends to be a massively better solution. In those cases, it's recommended to use an exponential way to calculate fitness score, so we can award "small" improvements in the solution space with much more likelihood to generate descendants.
def calculate_fitness(target):
linear_fitness = ... # some fitness calculation
return 2 ** linear_fitness
If the mating pool gets too big by inserting the same individuals multiple times to reflect their fitness/chance of survival, we can use rejection sampling. That method draws a individual from the regular population and tests a probability for keeping it tied to its fitness. If it's rejected, a new individual is drawn from the population. This avoid the creation of a proper mating poll, saving lots of memory, specially in bigger problem spaces, but takes much more cpu time/cycles.
- Python
- DEAP - distributed evolutionary framework. Has a very robust genetic algorithm implementation, capable of working with almost any alphabet.
- Java
- Jenetics - advanced Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Algorithm and Genetic Programming library, respectively, written in modern day Java.
- typing_monkeys - N number of monkeys typing randomnly until one of them evolves to type the correct given phrase