run for rl, obl or ot-rl. Run for fictitious self play, the following options can be used for either (although some will not have any effect on FSP).
**--lvls** LEVELS
Select number of OBL/OT_RL levels to run through, defaults to 10.
**--game** kuhn/leduc
Choose either kuhn poker or leduc hold 'em.
**-ab, --avg_bel**
Generate an averaged belief (over levels), and use this in OBL.
**-ap, --avg_pol**
Generate the averaged policy across levels and use this when evaluating.
**-al, --avg_learn**
When carrying out OBL, use the opponent's averaged policy to find their action.
**-a, --all_avg**
Averaged belief, policy and learning.
Prints out debugging information.
Prints out some information about progress.
**--learner** LEARNER_CHOICE
Choose learner from rl, ot_rl or obl, for learning uising obl. Defaults to obl
Uses FSP to learn nash, obl is default.
Uses obl/rl/ot_rl.
Example usage: python -a -v --obl --lvls 5