#Restaurant managemnt (ReactJs + NodeJs/ExpressJs + PostgreSQL)
You can fork the app or you can git-clone the app into your local machine. Once done that, please install all the dependencies by running
$ Install Nodejs: https://nodejs.org/en/
$ Install PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/
$ Go to PostgreSQL\15\bin, open in CMD and run psql -h localhost -d restaurant -p 5432 -U postgres -f pathToFile
Example: psql -h localhost -d restaurant -p 5432 -U postgres -f "E:\HUST\2022.1\Management of Software Development\msd-project\restaurant.sql"
$ Go to https://cloudinary.com and resgiter, get the cloud detail
$ Run npm install (both client and server file)
$ set your env variables
$ npm start (both client and server file)