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Luuptek WP-Starter

Theme description

Luuptek WP-base is a starter theme to be used with WordPress site.

To have a full advantages of this theme, some core/gutenberg functionality has been moved into own plugin: (public)

Theme json

There is basic theme.json available, but it's recommended to use sass styling in assets/styles. If doing Luuptek-project, just remove theme.json and install luuptek-mu-plugins to define color palette.


  • Gutenberg ready, possibility to add any core Gutenberg blocks into your default page template with three different width options (default, wide, full wide)
  • ACF blocks ready, two custom blocks (latest posts, page lifts) added by default
  • Hero image element possiblity to add to top of your default page template
    • Title, description (optional), button (optional) and background image to be defined
  • Theme options with default post image, head/footer scripts and contact channels ready to be inserted
  • Automatic JS / CSS building with Webpack
    • SCSS and ES6 javascript implementation
  • Lots of helper-functions available in Utils-class ==> example Utils()->get_social_media_links() would output social media icons with links
  • Translation strings to be used with Polylang if needed
  • Default WP-templates (header, footer, index etc) moved under templates-folder
  • Custom post type / taxonomy support
  • Custom page template support
  • PHP codesniffer linted code!


  1. Clone the repo to WP themes-dir, rename the cloned dir, cd into and remove .git
  2. Run yarn to install front-end-depencies
  3. Run yarn run config to setup project
  4. Change package.json config-section to suit your needs:
  • proxyUrl: The default development URL where webpack will be proxied to
  • entries: Scripts & styles which will be compiled to /dist-folder. Each entry will be compiled with the name specified with the objects key.
"config": {
  "proxyUrl": "http://playground.test",
  "entries": {
    "main": [
    "customizer": [
    "admin": [
  1. Run yarn start to start Webpack to watch & rebuild on asset changes in localhost:3000
  2. To build for production, run yarn prod which compresses the scripts & styles, disables sourcemaps, copies images from assets/images to dist/images and creates most common favicons automatically to icons-subfolder.

Available npm-scripts:

  • yarn start: Start webpack to browsersync localhost:3000
  • yarn prod: Build assets for production
  • yarn test: Test scripts
  • yarn run config: Run project-config (On a fresh clone of this repo)

Folder Structure

├── 1. assets
│   ├── admin
│   │   ├── backend.js
│   │   └── backend.scss
│   ├── dist
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── images
│   ├── scripts
│   │   ├── routes
│   │   └── util
│   │       └── main.js
│   ├── styles
│   │   ├── common
│   │   ├── components
│   │   ├── layouts
│   │   ├── vendor
│   │   └── main.scss
│   ├── webpack
│   │   └── development.js
│   │   └── plugins.js
│   │   └── production.js
│   │   └── webpack.base.js
├── 2. custom-templates
│   ├── template.tpl.php
├── 3. library
│   ├── acf-block-json
│   │   ├── blocks-here
│   ├── acf-blocks
│   │   ├── blocks.php
│   ├── acf-data
│   ├── acf-options
│   ├── classes
│   │   ├── Bootstrap-navwalker.php
│   │   ├── Breadcrumbs.php
│   │   ├── CPT-base.php
│   │   ├── Initalization.php
│   │   └── Utils.php
│   ├── custom-posts
│   ├── taxonomies
│   ├── functions
│   ├── hooks
│   ├── lang
│   └── widgets
├── 4. parts
│   └── footer.html
├── 5. partials
│   ├── blocks
│   │   └── example-block.php
│   ├── components
│   ├── content-excerpt.php
│   ├── content-page.php
│   ├── content-search.php
│   ├── content-single.php
│   ├── content.php
│   ├── no-results-404.php
│   ├── no-results-search.php
│   └── no-results.php
├── 6. templates
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
├── .nvmrc
├── functions.php
├── index.php
├── package.json
├── screenshot
└── style.css
└── yarn.lock

1. assets Place your images, styles & javascripts here (they get smushed and build to assets/dist-folder on WebPack prod). Javascripts will be compiled to admin.min.js (WP-admin-scripts), customizer.min.js (WP Customizer js) and main.js.min (the main js-file).

styles-dir is divided into smaller sections, each with it's responsibilities:

  • blocks: Gutenberg block styling
  • common: Global functions, settings, mixins & fonts
  • components: Single components, e.g. buttons, breadcrumbs, paginations etc.
  • layouts: General layouts for header, different pages, sidebar(s), footer etc.
  • vendor: 3rd. party components etc. which are not installed through npm.

2. custom-templates

3. library

  • acf-block-json / acf-blocks / acf-data / acf-options: ACF block registering, using ACF JSON data and creating options
  • classes: Holds the helper & utility-classes and is autorequired in functions.php
  • custom-posts: Place your custom posts here. See example usage in cpt.php
  • taxonomies: Place your custom taxonomies here. See example usage in custom-taxonomy-name.php
  • functions: The place for misc. helper functions
  • hooks: The place for WP's hooks, pre_get_posts etc.
  • lang: i18n for the theme
  • widgets: WP-nav menus & widgets

4. parts When using block_template_part()-function ==> Add all relevant files into this directory.

5. partials Partial files used by wrappers. Place additional partial components to components-folder

6. templates WordPress required template-files


WordPress starter theme, Gutenberg ready.






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