General notes on things to do and how things work.
- Users, who are able to login, edit their own profiles, and view the status of Lanes
- Harbormasters, who can create Users, Ship to all Lanes, and promote Users to Captains or Harbormasters
- Captains, who can sent Shipments to Lanes they Ply
- Lanes, which represent deployment paths, comprised of individual Stops
- Stops, which represent discrete individual deployment commands
- Shipments, which represent individual executions of a Stop on a Lane
- Logs, which are the output of Shipments
- Destinations, which represent individual environments where Stops are executed
- Manifests, which are the order in which Stops are made at Destinations
- Salvage Plans, which are specialized Lanes to be executed when a Shipment fails
- Shipping, the act of initiating discreet Shipments to a Lane
- Plying, the responsibility of Shipping to a Lane
- Defining a Lane, which allows input of individual commands as Stops, ordering them, and saving them for later execution
- Promoting & Demoting Users, allowing Harbormasters to change roles
- Dynamic stdin, letting users input commands which require user input when run
- Hooks, allowing remote calls to trigger shipments
- Abort shipment, canceling a shipment in the middle of it, optionally triggering a Salvage Plan
Environment variables you'll want if you run this docker container:
MONGO_URL=mongodb://[user]:[password]@[mongodb url]:[mongodb port]/[db name, usually "harbormaster"]
ROOT_URL=http[s]://[wherever the app is running][:port]
PORT=[usually 80]