v0.1 - First Emulator Alpha Release
This is the prototype release of the 2D API emulator, forked from the original BRS project.
The following is the list of components implemented (some partially or just mocked):
- roAudioPlayer.ts (mock)
- roAudioResource.ts (mock)
- roBitmap.ts
- roByteArray.ts
- roCompositor.ts
- roDateTime.ts
- roDeviceInfo.ts
- roFileSystem.ts
- roFont.ts
- roFontRegistry.ts
- roList.ts
- roMessagePort.ts
- roPath.ts
- roRegion.ts
- roRegistry.ts
- roRegistrySection.ts
- roScreen.ts
- roSprite.ts
- roUniversalControlEvent.ts
- roXMLElement.ts
- roXMLList.ts
You can install the zip file below to run the application locally, follow the instructions described on the repository Read-Me file.
Alternatively you can try it from the webpage: https://lvcabral.com/brs