Slurm job names for simulation needs to be in following format {project}_{condition}_v{version #}_{rep #}
Clone the repository into your home directory.
cd ~ git clone
Add your simulation information to file using the appropriate format. The file contains a list of dictionaries. Just add a new dictionary on a new line:
{'c':['MK6_WT'], 'max':1000, 'v':[1], 'r':[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'p':'GPR40', 'd': '/oak/stanford/groups/rondror/projects/MD_simulations/amber/GPR40/jpaggi'},
Above 'MK6_W' is the condition name, '1' is the condition version, '1000' is the max number of time to run the simulations in nanoseconds, '1,2,3,4,5,6' are the rep directories, 'GPR40' is the project name used in your job names, '/oak/stanford/groups/rondror/projects/MD_simulations/amber/GPR40/jpaggi' is the directory containing the condition directory.
Then run sbatch run-checker.sbatch to start the recurring job:
sbatch run-checker.sbatch
Jobs should start running in 8 hours. If you wish to start jobs immediatley:
sbatch run-checker-now.sbatch
As jobs run, the running time should be written to the log file called log_file.txt.