Everything these scripts do is done much better by the vagrant-aws plugin (which happens to be written by Vagrant's author).
This repository shows how to use the same chef-solo
-based provisioning scheme for Vagrant virtual machines and Amazon's EC2. This is useful because you'll be able to test the deployment procedures as you develop within a clean Vagrant machine. Running continuous deployment locally also saves tons of partial instance-hours, which can run into the hundreds of cents (I'm not made of money, people).
These scripts have been tested only on Ubuntu Linux.
Just use Vagrant as you normally would:
cd a_vagrant_machine/
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Start up a new EC2 instance (ami-af7e2eea
is a US west coast Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit server)
ec2-run-instances ami-af7e2eea \
--instance-type t1.micro \
--key yournamehere \
--user-data-file bootstrap.sh
find its IP with
and provision it using the same recipes as the demo Vagrant machine machine by running
./setup.sh <ip address> a_vagrant_machine/
Don't forget to turn off your instances when you're finished:
ec2-terminate-instances <i-instance_id>
Just add three lines in the provisioning section of your Vagrantfile
so it looks like this:
Note: fixed problem (tar command does not have --transform option) on MacOS X
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
<your provisioning here>
require 'json'
open('dna.json', 'w') do |f|
chef.json[:run_list] = chef.run_list
f.write chef.json.to_json
open('.cookbooks_path.json', 'w') do |f|
f.puts JSON.generate([chef.cookbooks_path]
.map{|x| x})
On your local machine, you will need the following
- ec2-api-tools Ubuntu multiverse package (this is not currently in Debian's apt repositories; you'll need to download the Ubuntu
package and usedpkg --install
) - VirtualBox 4
- Vagrant rubygem;
gem install vagrant
- The
Vagrant base box;vagrant box add lucid32 http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
. Take a look at the vagrant-ubuntu repository for scripts to make custom Ubuntu-based Vagrant base boxes.
Add to your .bashrc
This project is sponsored by Keming Labs, a technical design studio specializing in data visualization.