Plugin creates static HTML pages with Maven and Markdown. Uses pegdown Markdown processor. The code is Open Source and under MIT license.
The plugin can be found in Sonatype's OSS repository and in Central Repository.
Dependency Information:
You can configure the input and output directories, which files to copy and which pegdown options are used. You can also include custom header and footer and general title.
Default configuration which can be overridden:
- inputDirectory : ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown/
- outputDirectory : ${}/html/
Configuration options:
headerHtmlFile : Location of header HTML file as String, ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown/html/header.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>titleToken</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="##SITE_BASE##/css/default.css"> </head>
Note: ##SITE_BASE## will be translated to a relative path from the markdown file's directory to base directory. This is not necessary if recursiveInput configuration is false.
footerHtmlFile : Location of header HTML file as String, ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown/html/footer.html
<footer> </footer> </html>
copyDirectories : Comma separead list of directories to copy to output directory, like: css,js,images
defaultTitle : If set the titleToken is replaced in every page. Otherwise the first h1 is used.
recursiveInput : Process also inputDirectory's sub directories if option true. Default false.
transformRelativeMarkdownLinks : Transform relative url suffix from ".md" to ".html" if option true. Default false.
pegdownExtensions: Comma separated list of constants as specified in org.pegdown.Extensions. The default is TABLES.
inputEncoding: Charset-Name used for reading the md-input, default: ${} or Default-Charset
outputEncoding: Charset-Name used for writing the html-output, default: ${} or Default-Charset
parsingTimeoutInMillis: timeout for the Markdown parser, default is 2000 millis
The output will be:
- target/html/name_of_file.html
Add the plugin to the pom file in your project:
Or with custom header and footer:
You can also specify the Pegdown extensions:
Input- and Output-Encoding can be specified by: