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macd committed Jan 19, 2021
1 parent 30cddb5 commit 59b4250
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,138 additions and 4 deletions.
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
name = "BaryRational"
uuid = "91aaffc3-5777-4842-85b7-5d3d5d6a3494"
authors = ["Don MacMillen"]
authors = ["Don MacMillen <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.0"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

julia = "1.5"

test = ["Test"]
test = ["Random", "SpecialFunctions", "Test"]
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,3 +2,131 @@

[![Build Status](](

"You want poles with that?"

This small package contains both one dimensional barycentric rational
approximation, using the AAA algorithm [1], and one dimensional
barycentric rational interpolation with the Floater-Hormann weights
[2]. The derivatives are calculated using the formulas of [3].

The AAA approximation algorithm can model the poles of a function, if
present. The FH interpolation is guaranteed to not contain any poles
inside of the interpolation interval.

NOTE: Currently, the derivatives are not working.

## Usage

julia> using BaryRational
julia> x = [-3.0:0.1:3.0;];
julia> f = x -> sin(x) + 2exp(x)
julia> fh = FHInterp(x, f.(x), order=3, grid=true)
julia> fh(1.23)

Note that the default order is 0. The best choice of the order
parameter appears to be dependent on the number of points (see Table 2
of [1]) So for smaller data sets, order=3 or order=4 can be good
choices. This algorithm is not adaptive so you will have to try and see
what works best for you

If you know that the x points are on an even grid, use grid=true

For approximation using aaa:

julia> a = aaa(x, f.(x))
julia> a(1.23)

and finally the exact result

julia> f(1.23)

The AAA algorithm is adaptive in the subset of support points that it
chooses to use.

## Examples

Here is an example of fitting f(x) = abs(x) with both FH and AAA. Note
that because the first derivative is discontinuous at x = 0, we can
achieve only linear convergence. (Note that systems like Chebfun and
ApproxFun engineer around this by breaking up the interval at the
points of discontinuity.) While the convergence order is the same for
both algorithms, we see that the AAA has an error that is about a factor
of 1.6 smaller than the Floater-Hormann scheme.

using PyPlot
using BaryRational
function plt_err_abs_x()
pts = [40, 80, 160, 320, 640]
fh_err = Float64[]
aaa_err = Float64[]
order = 3
for p in pts
xx = collect(range(-5.0, 5.0, length=2p-1))
xi = xx[1:2:end]
xt = xx[2:2:end]
yy = abs.(xi)
fa = aaa(xi, yy)
fh = FHInterp(xi, yy, order=order, grid=true)
push!(aaa_err, maximum(abs.(fa.(xt) .- abs.(xt))))
push!(fh_err, maximum(abs.(fh.(xt) .- abs.(xt))))
plot(log.(pts), log.(fh_err), ".-", label="FH Error")
plot(log.(pts), log.(aaa_err), ".-", label="AAA Error")
xlabel("Log(Number of points)")
title("Error in approximating Abs(x)")


Since both of these can approximate / interpolate on regular as well as irregular grid
points they can be used to create ApproxFun Fun's. ApproxFun needs to be able to evaluate,
or have evaluated, a function on the Chebyshev points (1st kind here, 2nd kind for Chebfun),
mostly if you have function values on a regular grid you are out of luck. Instead, use the
AAA approximation algorithm to generate an approximation, use that to generate the values on
the Chebyshev grid, use ApproxFun.transform to transform the function values to coefficients
and then construct the Fun. The following shows how.

using ApproxFun
import BaryRational as br

# our function
f(x) = tanh(4x - 1)

# a regular grid
xx = [-1.0:0.01:1.0;];

# and evaluated on a regular grid
yy = f.(xx);

# and then approximated with AAA
faaa =, yy);

# but ApproxFun needs to be evaluated on the Chebyshev points
n = 129
pts = chebyshevpoints(n);
S = Chebyshev();

# construct the Fun using the aaa approximation on the Chebyshev points
pn = Fun(S, ApproxFun.transform(S, faaa.(pts)));

# now compare it to the "native" fun
x = Fun();
fapx = tanh(4x - 1);
println(norm(fapx - pn))

which yields an error norm of 2.955569189697878e-14. Pretty nice.

[1] [The AAA algorithm for rational approximation](

[2] [Barycentric rational interpolation with no poles and high rates of approximation](

[3] [Some New Aspects of Rational Interpolation](
29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion src/BaryRational.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
module BaryRational
export FHInterp, bary, chebpts, chebwts, floater_weights, lagrange_weights, aaa, prz, differ, Dcheb
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using SparseArrays

abstract type BRInterp <: Function end

struct FHInterp{T <: AbstractArray} <: BRInterp


function FHInterp(x::Vector{T}, f::Vector{T}; order::Int=0, grid=false) where {T}
if grid
FHInterp(collect(x), f, floater_weights(length(x), order), order)
FHInterp(collect(x), f, floater_weights(x, order), order)

(y::FHInterp)(z) = bary(z, y.f, y.x, y.w)

# Write your package code here.

170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions src/aaa.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
# AAA algorithm from the paper "The AAA Alorithm for Rational Approximation"
# by Y. Nakatsukasa, O. Sete, and L.N. Trefethen, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
# 2018

struct AAAapprox{T <: AbstractArray} <: BRInterp

(a::AAAapprox)(zz) = reval(zz, a.x, a.f, a.w)

# Handle function inputs as well
function aaa(Z::AbstractArray{T,1}, F::S; tol=1e-13, mmax=100, verbose=false, clean=true) where {T, S<:Function}
aaa(Z, F.(Z), tol=tol, mmax=mmax, verbose=verbose, clean=clean)

"""aaa rational approximation of data F on set Z
r = aaa(Z, F; tol, mmax, verbose, clean)
Input: Z = vector of sample points
F = vector of data values at the points in Z
tol = relative tolerance tol, set to 1e-13 if omitted
mmax: max type is (mmax-1, mmax-1), set to 100 if omitted
verbose: print info while calculating default = false
clean: detect and remove Froissart doublets default = true
Output: r = an AAA approximant as a callable struct with fields
z, f, w = vectors of support pts, function values, weights
errvec = vector of errors at each step
NOTE: changes from matlab version:
switched order of Z and F in function signature
added verbose and clean boolean flags
pol, res, zer = vectors of poles, residues, zeros are now only calculated on demand
by calling prz(z::AAAapprox)
function aaa(Z::AbstractArray{T,1}, F::AbstractArray{S,1}; tol=1e-13, mmax=100,
verbose=false, clean=true) where {S, T}
# filter out any NaN's or Inf's in the input
keep = isfinite.(F)
F = F[keep]
Z = Z[keep]

M = length(Z) # number of sample points
mmax = min(M, mmax) # max number of support points

reltol = tol*norm(F, Inf)
SF = spdiagm(M, M, 0 => F) # left scaling matrix

F, Z = promote(F, Z)
P = promote_type(S, T)

J = [1:M;]
z = P[] # support points
f = P[] # function values at support points
C = P[]
w = P[]

errvec = P[]
R = F .- mean(F)
@inbounds for m = 1:mmax
j = argmax(abs.(F .- R)) # select next support point
push!(z, Z[j])
push!(f, F[j])
deleteat!(J, findfirst(isequal(j), J)) # update index vector

# next column of Cauchy matrix
C = isempty(C) ? reshape((1 ./ (Z .- Z[j])), (M,1)) : [C (1 ./ (Z .- Z[j]))]

Sf = diagm(f) # right scaling matrix
A = SF * C - C * Sf # Loewner matrix
G = svd(A[J, :])

# A[J, :] might not have full rank, so svd can return fewer than m columns
#w = G.V[:, m]
w = G.V[:, end] # weight vector = min sing vector

N = C * (w .* f) # numerator
D = C * w
R .= F
R[J] .= N[J] ./ D[J] # rational approximation

err = norm(F - R, Inf)
verbose && println("Iteration: ", m, " err: ", err)
errvec = [errvec; err] # max error at sample points
err <= reltol && break # stop if converged
r = AAAapprox(z, f, w, errvec)

# remove Frois. doublets if desired. We do this in place
if clean
pol, res, zer = prz(r) # poles, residues, and zeros
ii = findall(abs.(res) .< 1e-13) # find negligible residues
length(ii) != 0 && cleanup!(r, pol, res, zer, Z, F)
return r

function prz(r::AAAapprox)
z, f, w = r.x, r.f, r.w
m = length(w)
B = diagm(ones(m+1))
B[1, 1] = 0.0
E = [0.0 transpose(w); ones(m) diagm(z)]
pol, _ = eigen(E, B)
pol = pol[isfinite.(pol)]
dz = 1e-5 * exp.(2im*pi*[1:4;]/4)

# residues
res = r(pol .+ transpose(dz)) * dz ./ 4

E = [0 transpose(w .* f); ones(m) diagm(z)]
zer, _ = eigen(E, B)
zer = zer[isfinite.(zer)]
pol, res, zer

function reval(zz, z, f, w)
# evaluate r at zz
zv = size(zz) == () ? [zz] : vec(zz)
CC = 1.0 ./ (zv .- transpose(z)) # Cauchy matrix
r = (CC * (w .* f)) ./ (CC * w) # AAA approx as vector
r[isinf.(zv)] .= sum(f .* w) ./ sum(w)

ii = findall(isnan.(r)) # find values NaN = Inf/Inf if any
@inbounds for j in ii
if !isnan(zv[j]) && ((v = findfirst(isequal(zv[j]), z)) !== nothing)
r[j] = f[v] # force interpolation there
r = size(zz) == () ? r[1] : reshape(r, size(zz)) # the AAA approximation

# Only calculate the updated z, f, and w
function cleanup!(r, pol, res, zer, Z, F)
z, f, w = r.x, r.f, r.w
m = length(z)
M = length(Z)
ii = findall(abs.(res) .< 1e-13) # find negligible residues
ni = length(ii)
ni == 0 && return
println("$ni Froissart doublets. Number of residues = ", length(res))

@inbounds for j = 1:ni
azp = abs.(z .- pol[ii[j]] )
jj = findall(isequal(minimum(azp)), azp)
deleteat!(z, jj) # remove nearest support points
deleteat!(f, jj)

@inbounds for j = 1:length(z)
jj = findall(isequal(z[j]), Z)
deleteat!(F, jj)
deleteat!(Z, jj)
m = m - length(ii)
SF = spdiagm(M-m, M-m, 0 => F)
Sf = diagm(f)
C = 1 ./ (Z .- transpose(z))
A = SF*C - C*Sf
G = svd(A)
w[:] .= G.V[:, m]
println("cleanup: ", size(z), " ", size(f), " ", size(w))
return nothing

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