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The purpose of this repo is to provide end-to-end testing of bookmaker content transforms for any test manuscript provided. It bypasses the flask_api now used to invoke bookmaker, but still uses a bookmaker_deploy toolchain (bookmaker_test_direct.bat) to manually invoke what is essentially a 'bookmaker_firstpass' run: plus one extra script (bookmaker_tests.rb) to diff working html, xml, css & logfiles.


Run tests

To invoke the test, in cmd or Terminal window type: python That launches the tests via bookmaker_test_direct.bat for any manuscript (.docx) files in the 'test_manuscripts' folder. Tests run in parallel for each manuscript. It should all be done in < 30 min.

Review test results

Review diffs

Goto output folder to review test output for each/any testfile: "S:\bookmaker_tmp\bookmaker_tests\test_tmpdir" Each test manuscript will have its own folder. Inside each folder will be output from diffs, in a file: testoutput.txt. Review and make sure diffs reflect expected changes.

Look over actual output

Some layout changes will not be apparent in file diffs (particularly css/js changes). It's recommended that you visually inspect the new epub and the new pdf for any significant problems as well as expected changes. You can also run Acrobat's 'Compare Documents' to compare the new pdf to the verified one in greater detail.

Update verified files

To update verified files to reflect your successful code updates (congrats!):

Update verified output for all test-files
  • run in cmd or Terminal window: python
Update verified output for a single file
  • for test-file dir folder in "S:\bookmaker_tmp\bookmaker_tests\verified_files", copy contents to their respective folders in 'bookmaker_tests\verified_files'

Then add, commit, and merge updated files.

Add a new test manuscript

  1. Put your new .docx test file in 'test_manuscripts' folder.
  2. If there are any accompanying images or other input files (oneoff.css, config.json, override.js) for your test manuscript: create a folder in 'test_manuscript' named after the docx filename sans extension, followed by: '_images'.
  • Example: for file: test_ms.docx, create folder test_ms_images
  1. Put all of the aforementioned accompanying files for your new test manuscript into the folder created in step 2.
  2. Run the Wait 5-10 minutes.
  3. Go to "S:\bookmaker_tmp\bookmaker_tests\verified_files" and look for the folder matching your new testfile's name (sans .docx extension): it should be there, with 10 files inside.
  4. Copy that whole folder to 'bookmaker_tests\verified_files' folder
  5. Run again, and check file: "S:\bookmaker_tmp\bookmaker_tests\test_tmpdir\YOUR_TESTFILE_NAME\testoutput.txt" The file should show very few (if any) diffs.
  6. Add, commit and push your files to the repo.

Notes for future development:
  • add at least one RSuite styled manuscript as a test manuscript
  • create .bat/.sh for updating verified files automatically
  • create for running tests in non-Windows env.


Test files and reference for bookmaker






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