Maestrya is another project for academic purposes with AdonisJS and Domain Driven Design , and standardize the return structure
Project in Heroku:
The folder Postman contains postman collection and environment variables for tests
- App
- Domain = Responsible for delegate responsibilities for business rules
- Command = Responsible for centralizing resources as Validations, Repositories and Entities
- Helpers = Responsible for centralizing resources to help other layers
- Infrastructure = Responsible for centralizing infrastructure related
- Entities = Responsible for handle entities
- Models = Responsible for connection and ORM with database
- Repositories = Responsible for queries with database (extends Models)
- Domain = Responsible for delegate responsibilities for business rules
- Database
- Migrations = Responsible for the database structure
- Seeds = Responsible for the default data in database
- Start
- App = Responsible with providers in application
- Kernel = Responsible with middlewares in application
- Routes = Responsible with HTTP routes (relationship with Commands)
npm i -g @adonisjs/cli
Install project
npm install
If you have problem with PERMISSIONS
npm install --unsafe-perm
adonis serve
Run docker-compose in background (-d)
docker-compose up -d
Run the following command to run startup migrations.
npm run db