The MEX File is available for use as a pre-compiled function. This can be found at the releases page for download, or in the releases folder when cloning.
To use, unpack the mssa.7z file and include the unpack location in your matlab instance. For example, if unpacking the contents to a folder called "MSSA" use the following commands in Matlab:
% Add the unpacked MEX Function folder
% Host and run the function on a separate process
mh = mexhost;
[inboard_result, outboard_result] = feval(mh, 'MSSAMex', inboard_input, outboard_input, alpha_threshold, segment_size, window_size);
Function inputs are as ordered in the following manner:
- inboard_input: 3D magnetic field data in 3xN double value format
- outboard_input: 3D magnetic field data in 3xN double value format
- timeline: 1D matrix of datetime values representing the time the magnetic field data record was recorded
- dimensions: N in the NxM matrix provided to MSSAMex. Default to 3
- alpha_threshold: Value between [0, 1] used to select components for reconstruction
- segment_size: Size of the N magnetic field data points to use as for each analysis cycle. If the segment_size < N, the magnetic field data is broken up into N/segment_size-1 segments (exludes last segment)
- window_size: Size of the window used by MSSA when deconstructing signal.
Function outputs are ordered as follows:
- inboard_result: Reconstructed 3D magnetic field data representing the Inboard data
- outboard_result: Reconstructed 3D magnetic field data representing the Outboard data
- flags: Status flags for analysis of MSSA. Flags currently in format of a. Segment Start: value is the start of a new segment b. Merged: value has been marked as being merged between 2 segments separately running MSSA c. Skipped: value will be equal to the original input signal d. Time Jump: value represents the start of a new segment due to a discontinuity in the timeline e. NaN: value has been registered as a NaN f. Wheel Error: value has not had the wheel removed. Affects all values of a segment
- wheel_inboard: Wheel of inboard signal
- wheel_outboard: Wheel of outboard signal
- C++ Compiler
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 (C++ Version 17.0) Download
- GCC C++ 8.0 Compiler (C++ Version 17.0)
- Linux:
sudo apt-get install gcc-c++
- Linux:
- CMake (3.15 minimum)
- VCPKG (C++ Package manager)
- Getting Started via Cloning: Here
- Matlab installation (Tested on R2022a)
- Ninja Build (Usually comes with CMake)
- If needed on linux:
sudo apt-get install ninja-build
- If needed on linux:
- Linux Only:
- pkg-config: sudo apt-get install pkg-config
With MacOSX (and consequently UNIX systems), it is possible to skip the need for VcPkg installation, as Eigen is downloadable by Homebrew. Matlab is still required for compilation of Mex function.
There are 3 options for running CMake:
- Set VCPKG_ROOT environment variable
- example:
cmake -B build -S .
- example:
- Set VCPKG_ROOT as a command line input
- example:
cmake -B build -S . -DVCPKG_ROOT=[vcpkg location]
- example:
- Set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE as a command line input
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
If you are having issues finding Matlab, set the CMake variable Matlab_ROOT.
- example:
cmake -B build -S . -DMatlab_ROOT=[Matlab location]
CMake should install all packages needed, but if not run: %VCPKG_ROOT%\vcpkg install
After creating build directory, make release folder, then build and compile the application
mkdir release
cmake --build \build
The built executable will be within the build/*/mssa
folder. If in release mode, it will also zip the compiled code into the %Project_Source%/release folder.
On Windows, ensure that you are using the Visual Studio environment settings before compiling. This can be achieved either by using VS clients, or running the environment setup command if running pipx in the command line.
Example location:
- "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\[edition]\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64