This is a tool for creating scrolling lrc files, which refers to text with time tags.
I'm not satisfied with the existing tools, they can't be used across platforms. So I have created one by myself.
Click lrc-maker to start. You can add the link to browser bookmark. Drag and drop the file in the page to load it and use the arrow key and space key to insert the timestamp.
Development branch links:
key | function |
space | insert time stamp tag |
backspace / delete / ⌫ | remove time stamp tag |
ctrlenter↵ / ⌘↩ | play / pause |
← / A | step backward 5 seconds |
→ / D | step forward 5 seconds |
↑ / W / J | select previous line |
↓ / S / K | select next line |
- / + | adjust selected time tag |
ctrl↑ / ⌘↑ | speed up playback rate |
ctrl↓ / ⌘↓ | speed down playback rate |
R | reset playback rate |
The most modern browsers are supported. The current version uses a lot of modern browser APIs to improve performance and improve the user experience. This project uses the ES Module to load the script code, which means that the browser version should meet the following requirements.
browser | version |
EDGE | >= 16 |
Firefox | >= 60 |
Chrome | >= 61 |
Safari | >= 11 |
ios_saf | >= 11 |
Limited support for EDGE browsers.
The browsers which do not have ES Module support will load the fallback script. Note: The fallback is not tested. The old browsers may encounter CSS layout confusion.
Ancient browsers such as IE are no longer supported. If you are an ancient browser user, it is better to use the old version of this project.
If you want to run this project on your computer locally, follow the tips.
# clone this repo
git clone
cd lrc-maker
# install dependencies
npm i
# build
npm run build
# or build with watch mode
npm start
After building (npm run build
), the build
folder is the static website files.
You can deploy it to any CDN or static file server.
You can also build a docker image using the Dockerfile
at the root of this repo.
It runs the build and give you a minimal nginx image.
# build image
docker build -t lrc-maker .
# create a container and serve at port 8080
docker run -d -p 8080:80 lrc-maker
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