Directive for Vue 3 to run a method on clicking outside of the binded element
npm install --save @mahdikhashan/vue3-click-outside
add the custom directive to you component
<div v-click-out-side="customMethod" @click="clickInside" class="box">
<br />
<p>Outside of the box</p>
import clickOutSide from "@mahdikhashan/vue3-click-outside";
export default {
name: "Box",
directives: {
props: {
msg: String,
methods: {
customMethod() {
alert("You clicked outside the box!");
clickInside() {
alert("You clicked inside the box!");
<style scoped>
div {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 2rem;
background-color: red;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
p {
font-size: 2rem;
font-weight: 800;
If you want to use the library with the <script setup> or composition api, you need to rename the object like bellow.
import { clickOutSide as vClickOutSide } from '@mahdikhashan/vue3-click-outside'
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