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O sistema é focado na parte de cobrança de dividas, nas quais ele recebe a informação de dividendos dos banco, assim organizamos de uma forma pratica e rapida para realizar o contato e assim realizar um acordo com o dividendo.


Para utilizar o DevCobre você precisará:

Clonar o repositorio

Git clone

git clone <link abaixo>


Após o clone do repositório sera necessario seguir os seguintes comandos:


yarn install


(caso esteja usando um docker)

$ sudo docker-compose up --build


$ sudo docker exec api yarn typeorm migration:generate src/migrations/client -d src/data-source.ts

Migration Run

$ sudo docker exec api yarn typeorm migration:run -d src/data-source.ts


Métodos 🛠️

Requisições para a API devem seguir os padrões:

Método Descrição
GET Retorna informações de um ou mais registros.
POST Utilizado para criar um novo registro.
PATCH Atualiza dados de um registro ou altera sua situação.
DELETE Remove um registro do sistema.


Código Descrição
200 Requisição executada com sucesso (success).
201 Envio de dados para criação exectuado com sucesso (created).
400 Erros de validação ou os campos informados não existem no sistema.
404 Registro pesquisado não encontrado (Not found).
409 Conflict.

| LoginClientBankDebtsAgreementUserContact History |

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Obs: visando que esta aplicação é utilizada em uma empresa, é necessario a criação primeiramente da conta ADM, desta forma não sera possivel criar as demais rotas sem este usuario ADM ⚠ ⚠ ⚠


Post /adm/ti/create/user


  • name,emaile password: string
	"email":"[email protected]",

Resposta: Status 201 Created

	"message":"Adm Created Width Sucess."

Post /login


  • email,password:string
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "test123-"

Resposta: Status 200

	"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MywicG9zaXRpb24iOiJ1c2VyIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0ZXN0QG1haWwuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNjU4MjYxNjg3LCJleHAiOjE2NTgzNDgwODd9.clFa-cBGhLRnzLLdpyYyIsG8ceOa45izasNNwu-q2QQ"

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Obs: visando que esta aplicação é utilizada em uma empresa, é necessario a criação primeiramente da conta ADM, desta forma não sera possivel criar as demais rotas sem este usuario ADM ⚠ ⚠ ⚠


Post /client


  • name,typee document: string
	"document": "89999999999998",
	"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
	"type": "Juridico"

Resposta: Status 201 Created

	"document": "89999999999998",
	"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
	"type": "Juridico"

Resposta: Status 409 Conflict

  "message": "Client already exists"

Get /client (Listar todos os clients)

Resposta: Status 200

		"document": "11111111111111",
		"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
		"type": "Juridico",
		"clientInfo": []
		"document": "89999999999998",
		"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
		"type": "Juridico",
		"clientInfo": []

Get /client/:document

Resposta: Status 200

	"document": "89999999999999",
	"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
	"type": "Juridico",
	"clientInfo": []

Patch /client/:document

Resposta: Status 200 Update

  "message": "Updated client"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found!"

Delete /client/:document

Resposta: Status 200 OK

  "message": "Client deleted with sucess!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found!"

Client info

Post /client/:document/info


  • email : string
  • telephone : number
  "telephone": 5465448,
  "email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 201 Created

  "message": "Information entered successfully!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found!"

Get /client/:document/info

Resposta: Status 200

	"document": "89999999999999",
	"name": "Empresa Devedora LTDA",
	"type": "Juridico",
	"clientInfo": [
			"id": 5,
			"telephone": 5465448,
			"email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found"

Patch /client/:document/info/:idContact

  "telephone": 22222222,
  "email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 200 Update

  "message": "Contact updated with sucess!"

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

  "message": "Client contact not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found"

Delete /client/:document/info/:idContact

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "Contact deleted with sucess!"

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

  "message": "Client contact not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Client not found"

Inicio API


Regras :

name : string, status : boolean

Post /bank

  "name": "Banco MaxDev",
  "status": true

Resposta: Status 201 Created

  "name": "Banco MaxDev",
  "status": true,
  "id": 7

Resposta: Status 409 Conflict

  "message": "Bank already exists!"

Get /bank

Resposta: Status 200

  "id": 7,
  "name": "Banco MaxDev",
  "status": true,
  "bankContact": []

Patch /bank/:id

  "name": "Banco MaxProPlus"

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "Updated Bank!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank not found!"

Delete /bank/:id

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "Bank deleted witdh sucess!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank not found!"

Bank Info

Regras :

email : string, telephone : number

Post /bank/:id/contact

  "telephone": 122222,
  "email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 200 OK

  "message": "Information entered successfully!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "information already exists!"

Get /bank/id/contact

Resposta: Status 200

  "id": 7,
  "name": "Banco MaxProPlus",
  "status": true,
  "bankContact": [
      "id": 2,
      "telephone": 122222,
      "email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank not found!"

Patch /bank/:id/contact/:idContact

  "telephone": 999999999,
  "email": "[email protected]"

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "Bank Contact updated sucess!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "Bank Contact not found!"

Delete /bank/:id/contact/:idContact

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "Bank contact deleted witdh sucess!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

	"message": "Bank not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

	"message": "Bank contact not found!"

Inicio API


Post /debts

  • bankId,debtValue,debtOrigin,ipoc : number

  • debType,dateDebt,documentClient, : string (debType - "emprestimo","credito")

		"bankId": 1,
	 "documentClient": "334556232147",
    "debtType": "emprestimo",
    "debtValue": 1000,
    "ipoc": 166445411,
    "debtOrigin": 500,
    "dateDebt": "2020-01-01"

Resposta: Status 201 Created

	"bank": {
		"id": 1,
		"name": "Caixa",
		"status": true,
		"bankContact": []
	"client": {
		"document": "334556232147",
		"name": "Pereira",
		"type": "Fisico",
		"clientInfo": []
	"dateDebt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
	"debtOrigin": 500,
	"debtValue": 1000,
	"ipoc": "166445411",
	"debtType": "emprestimo",
	"id": 1,
	"registration": "2022-07-20T20:22:53.676Z",
	"debtStatus": true

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

	"error": "ValidationError",
	"message": "Document Client required."

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

	"error": "ValidationError",
	"message": "Ipoc required."

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

	"error": "ValidationError",
	"message": "Bank ID required."

Obs: caso não possua todos os dados no JSON sera dado a resposta de Bad Request

Get all debts/debts

Resposta: Status 200 OK

		"id": 1,
		"ipoc": "166445411",
		"debtValue": "1000.00",
		"debtOrigin": "500.00",
		"debtType": "emprestimo",
		"registration": "2022-07-20T20:22:53.676Z",
		"dateDebt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
		"debtStatus": true
		"id": 2,
		"ipoc": "166445711",
		"debtValue": "2000.00",
		"debtOrigin": "1100.00",
		"debtType": "credito",
		"registration": "2022-07-20T20:28:30.621Z",
		"dateDebt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
		"debtStatus": true

Get /debts/:id

Resposta: Status 200 OK

	"id": 2,
	"ipoc": "166445711",
	"debtValue": "2000.00",
	"debtOrigin": "1100.00",
	"debtType": "credito",
	"registration": "2022-07-20T20:28:30.621Z",
	"dateDebt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
	"debtStatus": true,
	"client": {
		"document": "334556232147",
		"name": "Pereira",
		"type": "Fisico",
		"clientInfo": []
	"bank": {
		"id": 1,
		"name": "Caixa",
		"status": true,
		"bankContact": []

Resposta: Status 400 Not Found

  "message": "Debt not found"

Inicio API


Post /debts/:userId

  • debts : string

	"debts": ["1", "2"]


Resposta: Status 200 OK

	"message": "Successfully allocated debts"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

	"message": "Debt not found!"

Get /user/debts/me

Resposta: Status 200 OK

		"id": 1,
		"name": "teste",
		"position": "ADM",
		"debts": [
				"id": 1,
				"ipoc": "166445411",
				"debtValue": "1000.00",
				"debtOrigin": "500.00",
				"debtType": "emprestimo",
				"registration": "2022-07-20T20:22:53.676Z",
				"dateDebt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
				"debtStatus": true
				"id": 2,
				"ipoc": "166445711",
				"debtValue": "2000.00",
				"debtOrigin": "1100.00",
				"debtType": "credito",
				"registration": "2022-07-20T20:28:30.621Z",
				"dateDebt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
				"debtStatus": true


Post /agreement

	"agreedValue": 2000,
	"dateAgree": "20-3-21",
  "status": true,
	"bank": 2,
	"client": "334556232147",
	"user": 8,
	"formOfPayment": 2

Resposta: Status


Get /agreement

Resposta: Status

		"id": 1,
		"agreedvalue": "2000.00",
		"dateagree": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
		"status": true,
		"formOfPayment": "a vista",
		"valueEntry": "2000",
		"installments": "1x"

Get /agreement/:debtsId

Resposta: Status 200

	"id": 1,
	"agreedvalue": "2000.00",
	"dateagree": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
	"status": true,
	"formOfPayment": "a vista",
	"valueEntry": "2000",
	"installments": "1x"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

	"message": "Agreement not found!"

Patch /agreement/:id

agreedvalue,dateagree:string status:boolean


Resposta: Status 200

	"message": "Updated Agreement!"

Resposta: Status 200

	"message": "Agreement not found!"

Delete /agreement/:id

Resposta: Status 200 Ok

	"message": "Agreement deleted with sucess!"

Inicio API


Obs: CRUD de usuario só pode ser realizado com usuario ADM ou HR

Post /user


  • name,email,document,address,position : string
 		"telephone": 21331233,
   	"address":"Rua 1",
    "email": "[email protected]", 
   	"name": "Pedro Paulo",
		"password": "testE123-",
		"position": "HR"

Resposta: Status 201 Created

	"id": 4,
	"name": "Pedro Paulo",
	"position": "HR",
	"infos": {
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"telephone": "21331233",
		"address": "Rua 1"

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

	"message": "User already exists!"

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

	"error": "ValidationError",
	"message": "The password must contain an uppercase letter, a number and a special character."

Get all users/user

Resposta: Status 200

		"id": 1,
		"name": "Ana",
		"position": "ADM"
		"id": 2,
		"name": "Julio",
		"position": "user"
		"id": 3,
		"name": "Paula",
		"position": "HR"
		"id": 4,
		"name": "Pedro Paulo",
		"position": "HR"

GET /user/:id

Resposta: Status 200 Update

	"id": 2,
	"name": "Julio",
	"position": "user",
	"infos": {
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"telephone": 21331233,
		"address": "Rua 45"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "User not found!"

GET /user/debts/me ( dividas alocadas ao usuario)

Resposta: Status 200 Update

		"id": 1,
		"name": "teste",
		"position": "ADM",
		"debts": []

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "User not found!"

Patch /user/:id


Obritorio - name : string

    "telephone": 21331233,
   	"address":"Rua 1",
    "email": "[email protected]", 
   	"name": "Pedro Paulo",
		"position": "HR"

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "User updated!"

Resposta: Status 400 Bad Request

  "message": "User does not exists!"

Delete /user/:id

Resposta: Status 200

  "message": "User deleted with sucess!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

  "message": "User not found!"

Inicio API


Post /history

  • date_contact,note: string
  • debtId,userId:number
  • agreement: boolean
	"note":"faltou ligar",

Resposta: Status 201 Created

	"date": "2022-01-01",
	"agreement": false,
	"note": "faltou ligar",
	"debts": 5,
	"user_entry_contact": "Maicel"

Get /history

Resposta: Status

		"id": 7,
		"agreement": false,
		"date_contact": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
		"note": "faltou ligar"

Patch /history/:id

  • note,date_contact: string
  • agreement: boolean
	"note":"cliente atendeu mas não quis negociar",

Resposta: Status 200 Ok

	"message": "Update contact History"

Resposta: Status 400 Not Found

	"message": "Contact history not found!"

Delete /history/:id

Resposta: Status 200

	"message": "Contact history not found!"

Resposta: Status 404 Not Found

	"message": "Contact history not found!"

Inicio API


As seguintes ferramentas foram usadas na construção do projeto:


Danilo Valerio


Letícia Leal


Bráulio Silveira


Maciel A. Junior


Vinícius Martins


Vitor Schmidt




No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
