Convert names between Latin Script and Modern Persian Script. تبدیل نام از رسمالخط فارسی مدرن، به لاتین
The following method is used:
remove paranthesis from the query, but not the content.
If a first or last name is queried, check against the existing list of firstname.csv or lastname.csv and return if match found.
If the exact string is not found, check the other csv file (first>last, or last>first) for an exact match. return if match found.
If match is not found, but the Persian query has a space or half-space, split the query into substrings, via the whitespace. Search for each substring separately, and concat the result back together and return the result. Log the substrings and their result.
If match is not found, add the query in a new line to the file backlog.txt
If there is paranthesis in a record, produce the result, but warn the user
If anything except these letters [آبپتثجچحخدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلمنوهی] and the ignore list comes up, warn the user.
Read a list of persian first and lastnames, and transcribe each of them, and write the result in a separate file.
English Hashtags should follow camel-case for firstname and lastname.
In Persian string matching:
- Ignore the space or half-space
- Following chars are ignored: َ - ُ - ِ - ّ - ، - ء - ً - ٌ - ٍ ّ
- ة=ه
- ي=ی
- On Ubuntu, make sure gradle is installed.
- To run the JUnit Tests, run
./gradlew test --info