Test exercise for Rails developers. First of all - this is test task which purpose is to check the level of candidate knowledge and process of thinking. So don't be upset if you have not finished. Commit and push regularly so i can see how you think. This is important! Do not push whole app in the one commit. Be creative, some details are missing. The way you deal with them will also be a score for your final result.
So, imagine you have an own library and you want a site to see what books you have, how many are taken, the status, history etc.
Follow current technology stack: Ruby 2.4, Rails 5+, Mysql/PostreSQL/MongoDB(mongo is preferred), Bootstrap, Rspec. Pages should not be 'responsive', just make them look nice on mobile devices.
Books page. The list with all the books, 20 per page. Shows basic info:
- Image
- Book name - this is a link to book /show page.
- Author
- Status (status can be in/out). If status is out then display user name who took a book.
- Edit, delete and create new book. Top 5 books based on likes count and taken count. Top books are displayed regardless of pagination.
Book page. Verbose information about a book.
- Image
- Name
- Description
- Likes counter
- Author
- Status
- Comments
- History
History includes: name of user who took a book, when book has been taked, when returned back.
User allowed to comment, edit, delete, like, take or return a book. -
Book form. Nothing to say more here.
We expect as much functionality as you can do with established time for you. Do not try to cheat and spend more time. Quality of code/work is more important then quantity of work done.
- Test coverage with rspec.
- Respond with json. Serializers are preferred.
- Bootstrap components like modal windows, panels etc. including mobile and desktop grid.
- Delete, take, return, like book without page reloading.
- Book rating (any formula)