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🥢 React Select Zero


Lightweight, accessible, zero-dependency combobox alternative to react-select. Supports single selection, multiselection, search, and full keyboard controls in a handsome 5 KB component (1.8 KB gzipped).


react-select-zero sheds most of its weight through zero dependencies, but it also gets a boost from React Hooks, modern JS, and leveraging HTML and browser functionality wherever possible rather than JS logic (e.g.: <button>s are used in many places, which don’t require enter and space keybindings—only an onClick callback).

Name Minified Minified + gzip
@manifoldco/react-select-zero 🔥5 KB🔥 1.8 KB
@zendeskgarden/[email protected] 26.6 KB 6.6 KB
downshift 21.9 KB 7.1 KB
rc-select 164.3 KB 46.3 KB
react-select 86.6 KB 26.1 KB

🍚 Usage

npm i @manifoldco/react-select-zero

Basic usage

const [selection, setSelection] = useState([]);

return (
    options={['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle']}
    onChange={setSelection} // ['Bulbasaur']
    Select a Pokémon

Note: onChange always returns an array, even in single selection mode.

Multi selection

const [selection, setSelection] = useState([]);

return (
    options={['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle']}
    Select a Pokémon

Set initial selection

const [selection, setSelection] = useState(['Bulbasaur']);

return (
    options={['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle']}
    Select a Pokémon

Hide search (shown by default)

const [selection, setSelection] = useState([]);

return (
    options={['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle']}
    Select a Pokémon

Note: search won’t appear if there are fewer than 5 items

Allow creation of new entry (works for single and multi)

const [selection, setSelection] = useState([]);

return (
    options={['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle']}
    onChange={setSelection} // ['Bulbasaur', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle', 'Missingno']
    Select a Pokémon

User-created values will appear in the same array. To determine new from existing, you’ll have to scan the options you passed for any differences, e.g.:

  (newVal) => {
    const created = newVal.filter(val => !options.includes(val));
    const existing = newVal.filter(val => options.includes(val));

All Props

Name Type Default Description
name string Required Form name of this input. Query this like a normal form input. Also assits in a11y.
onChange (string[]) => void Required Form callback called when state changes
options string[] Required Array of strings to display as options
value string[] Required Set selected values
allowCreate boolean false Set <Select allowCreate /> to allow creating new entries (note: noSearch can’t be set)
max number Infinity Set maximum number of items (only works with multi)
multi boolean false Set <Select multi /> to allow multiple selection
noSearch boolean false Set <Select noSearch /> to hide searching (by default shows with > 5 options)
placeholder string Specify placeholder text

💅 Styling

This component ships with some lightweight styles to extend. Either import them like so:

import '@manifoldco/react-select-zero/assets/react-select-zero.css';

Or copy the CSS directly, and modify as you wish. There are some CSS variables you can overwrite to control colors & background images.

Alternatively, you can also use Styled Components or your favorite CSS-in-JS solution to extend the existing styles:

import styled from 'styled-components';
import Select from '@manifoldco/react-select-zero';

const StyledSelect = styled(Select)`
  /* overrides go here */

<StyledSelect name="dropdown" options={options} />;


This component ships with the following accessibility features out-of-box:

  • listbox role with aria-expanded, aria-haspopup, and aria-multiselectable properties
  • Focusable main input
  • Keyboard opens dropdown when focused
  • Keyboard / navigation through items
  • Keyboard enter to select items
  • Keyboard Home/End to jump to beginning/end of list
  • Keyboard esc to close the combo box
  • Searchable items
  • Removal of multiselect items also fully keyboard-navigable

Using labels

This component doesn’t come with a label, but you can add one yourself! This component will pass through any additional properties to the root element that also has [role="listbox"].

import React from 'react';
import Select from '@manifoldco/react-select-zero';

const MySelect = () => (
    <label htmlFor="country" id="country-label"></label>
    <Select aria-labelledby="country-label" id="country" name="country" options={options} />