A magit like interface for Kapacitor
Kapacitor is now available on melpa
(use-package kapacitor
:ensure t
:config (setq kapacitor-url-list '("http://localhost:9092" "http://kapacitor:9092")))
M-x package-install kapacitor
set kapacitor-url-list to a set of kapacitor servers and add require to appropriate init script:
(setq kapacitor-url-list ("http://localhost:9092" "http://server:10000"))
(require 'kapacitor)
If you want the tick script to be syntax highlighted install tickscript-mode
M-x package-install tickscript-mode
M-x kapacitor-overview
Key | Description |
RET | show task info under point |
d | disable task under point |
e | enable task under point |
D | delete task under point |
g | refresh buffer |
c | change server url |
S-g | show general stats |
S-i | show ingress stats(not implemented yet) |
Yes please! open github issues
Thanks to kubernetes-el for inspiring me!